

Blog - 28th February 2024

Feb 28th, 21:06

In this blog I preview next week’s budget and its implications for public services; and announce some new webinars on local authority housing finance; registering a new housing association; and service charges for May and June 2024.  The Houses of Parliament where the budget…

Blog - 28th February 2024

Blog - 12th February 2024

Feb 13th, 10:53

In this blog I write about my participation in the recent Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge at Watford Borough Council. Last November, the Local Government Association asked me to join their peer review team for a corporate peer challenge at Watford Borough Council as…

Blog - 12th February 2024

Blog - 29th September 2023

Sep 29th 2023, 09:32

In this blog I consider the Shelter housing manifesto. On Sunday evening a attended a reception organised by Shelter at which they presented their manifesto to rebuild our broken housing system ‘The Way Home’. The manifesto starts with this clear statement: “Home is our…

Blog - 29th September 2023

Blog - 13th September 2023

Sep 13th 2023, 15:53

In this blog I consider what organisations need to do to register with the Care Quality Commission; good practice in the provision of street and footway lighting; and webinars on service charges and local authority housing. Last week I posted a new briefing paper about ‘Registration…

Blog - 13th September 2023

Blog - 29th June 2023

Jun 29th 2023, 14:34

In this blog I consider the ‘People’s Plan for Nature’ and how local government should respond. The Royal Society for the Preservation of Birds (RSPB), National Trust (NT) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) have been encouraging their members to write to their members of…

Blog - 29th June 2023

Blog - 21st June 2023

Jun 21st 2023, 15:34

In this blog I consider the Kirkby Stephen Town Council and the National Association of Local Councils’ representations to the government on the Infrastructure Levy. Last month I was elected to Kirkby Stephen Town Council. It is a non-party-political Town Council so all the…

Blog - 21st June 2023

Blog - 19th May 2023

May 19th 2023, 13:06

In this blog I consider the Social Housing Regulation Bill that is expected to be enacted in July 2023; the green and white papers that preceded it and registering new registered providers. The Social Housing Regulation Bill is currently in the House of Lords where they are considering…

Blog - 19th May 2023

Blog - 11th May 2023

May 11th 2023, 13:57

In this blog I consider: Local Elections; the ‘Horizon’ and ‘Pioneer’ scientific research programmes; the ‘Changing Futures’ programme that helps people with multiple disadvantages; Newsletters, Briefing Papers and Webinars. Local Elections  Kirkby…

Blog - 11th May 2023

Blog - 26th April 2023

Apr 26th 2023, 20:19

In this blog I consider ‘right to buy’ and the government’s decision to localise receipts; whether the government’s approach to ‘affordable housing’ is still appropriate; and the registration of new registered providers. Since 1980, when the ‘right…

Blog - 26th April 2023

Blog - 4th April 2023

Apr 4th 2023, 09:31

In this blog I consider social housing finance including the views of the Local Government Association (LGA); the enquiry of the parliamentary committee for levelling up, housing & communities; independent tenants’ advice at Carnwath Road in Fulham; and webinars. Social Housing…

Blog - 4th April 2023

Blog - 31st March 2023

Mar 31st 2023, 14:14

In this blog I consider the Welfare system in Britain; Guaranteed Basic Income; Street and footway lights in Cumbria; Housing Association Finance; and webinars. Winston Churchill once said that there should be a ladder for aspirational people to climb and a safety net for those who fall…

Blog - 31st March 2023

Blog - 8th December 2022

Dec 8th 2022, 21:51

In this blog I consider how housing in Wales is being transformed by the implementation of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act. No longer are there tenants and licensees in Wales. Instead there are ‘contract holders’ with enhanced rights. This month has seen the biggest change to…

Blog - 8th December 2022

Blog - 2nd December 2022

Dec 2nd 2022, 15:20

In this blog I consider the shocking death of two-year old Awaab Ishak that was caused by the damp conditions in his housing association flat and the implications for the social housing sector. The main facts of the case are well known, having featured prominently in the national news as…

Blog - 2nd December 2022

Blog - 18th November 2022

Nov 18th 2022, 22:03

In this blog I consider the case of Barnet Borough Council - and my role in the demise of its ‘Easy Council’ model – and what this says about local government as a whole. Last week an article about Barnet Borough Council by John Harris in the ‘Guardian’ caught…

Blog - 18th November 2022

Blog - 10th November 2022

Nov 10th 2022, 14:41

In this blog I consider what we can learn about social housing in England from the Regulator of Social Housing’s statistics for 2021/22 and the problems faced by unpaid carers. The Regulator of Social Housing in England has published its latest statistical report that covers local…

Blog - 10th November 2022

Blog - 19th October 2022

Oct 19th 2022, 10:41

In this blog I consider the crisis in Adult Social Care. The biggest casualty of the government’s failed economic policies and quest for budget cuts is likely to be the adult social care service and the millions of vulnerable people who depend on it. Research by ‘Cumbria…

Blog - 19th October 2022

Blog - 11th October 2022

Oct 11th 2022, 18:54

In this blog I consider the recent ‘mini-budget’ and what it means for public services. The radical changes to economic and fiscal policy announced by Kwazi Kwarteng, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in his budget in September were an admission by the government that the…

Blog - 11th October 2022

Blog - 5th August 2022

Aug 5th 2022, 19:47

In this blog I consider the European Convention on Human Rights and the British government’s Bill of Rights; the need for towns that are dependent on tourism to have museums and / or heritage centres; and webinars. Parliament is considering a Bill of Rights that would replace the…

Blog - 5th August 2022

Blog - 13th July 2022

Jul 13th 2022, 19:48

In this blog I consider the ‘time bomb’ that the cost of living crisis is creating for tenants, councils and housing associations and what could be done about it; the crisis in NHS dentistry that is leading people to carry out ‘do it yourself’ tooth extractions;…

Blog - 13th July 2022

Blog - 28th February 2022

Feb 28th 2022, 22:45

Readers of this blog will know that I usually write about public services such as local government and housing. However, this week is an exception. I am sure that we are all shocked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I am also shocked at what I consider to be the inadequate response of…

Blog - 28th February 2022

Blog - 10th February 2022

Feb 10th 2022, 11:38

In this blog I consider the cost of living crisis – especially the increased energy prices; the impact in the North of England and on pensioners; the effect on service charges; and whether the government’s response is appropriate. Finally I look at how Brexit is a threat to…

Blog - 10th February 2022

Blog - 31st January 2022

Jan 31st 2022, 21:20

In this blog I preview the government’s ‘Levelling Up’ white paper that I believe is inadequate for the task and the chronic challenges that are being faced in adult social care services. This week we are expecting the government to publish its ‘Levelling Up’…

Blog - 31st January 2022

Blog - 24th January 2022

Jan 24th 2022, 21:11

In this blog I consider the Social Housing Regulation Bill – both what it is expected to include and what it should include. I think it should go much further than is planned to empower tenants, introducing radical new reforms to democratise housing associations and local authority…

Blog - 24th January 2022

Blog 7th October 2021

Oct 7th 2021, 15:39

In this blog I consider the impact of Brexit on local government and housing, possible changes to procurement following Brexit, the growing crisis in the social care sector, and webinars on matters relevant to public services. The European Movement has published the results of an online…

Blog 7th October 2021

Blog 14th September 2021

Sep 14th 2021, 15:09

In this blog I consider the government’s proposals for ‘improvements’ to the capital finance system in English local government and conclude that if they are implemented it will be a dark day for local government. I also consider the remarks of Therese Coffey about…

Blog 14th September 2021

Blog 9th September 2021

Sep 9th 2021, 15:20

In this blog I consider this week’s announcement by Boris Johnson on Health and Social Care. The news this week is being dominated by the government’s publication of ‘Building Back Better: Our Plan for Health and Social Care’ that includes their proposal to…

Blog 9th September 2021

Blog 9th June 2021

Jun 9th 2021, 11:32

In this blog I consider the poor financial resilience of English local authorities. This results from underlying factors and government policy as well as coronavirus. Clearly, the ‘fair funding review’ should be concluded and should give councils more resources and autonomy.…

Blog 9th June 2021

Blog 2nd June 2021

Jun 2nd 2021, 16:45

In this blog I consider the government’s decision to end the ban on evictions this week and the likely impact in terms of increased evictions and homelessness. I conclude that the ending of the ban on evictions is premature and short sighted. On Monday 31st May 2021, the ban on…

Blog 2nd June 2021

Blog 27th May 2021

May 27th 2021, 13:05

In this blog I consider reports on the poor quality of housing by ITV News, the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence, and the Centre for Ageing better. I also consider how the Local Government Association is helping local authorities to recover from the coronavirus pandemic. The…

Blog 27th May 2021

Blog 17th May 2021

May 17th 2021, 14:16

In this blog I consider the easing of the lockdown and the issues that have been raised for the public services by the pandemic; the creation of a new Ministry for Climate Change by the Welsh Government; and the implications for landlords and leaseholders of last week’s decision by…

Blog 17th May 2021

Blog 11th May 2021

May 11th 2021, 14:19

In this blog I consider the Queen’s speech that was made today and its implications for the constitution and public services. I think that the proposed bills will reduce the rights of citizens, the courts and Parliament and will do little to improve public services. The lack of a bill…

Blog 11th May 2021

Blog 9th March 2021

Mar 9th 2021, 16:51

In this blog I consider the crisis in adult social care in England, the Dilnot report and the failure of Rishi Sunak’s recent budget to address the funding of social care. I agree with Andrew Dilnot that the government should address this question urgently. For many years it has been…

Blog 9th March 2021

Blog 3rd March 2021

Mar 3rd 2021, 21:22

In this blog I consider: The budget that was announced today by Rishi Sunak and its implications for public services including housing and local government; business planning for housing associations; and our webinars. Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, delivered his budget…

Blog 3rd March 2021

Blog 2nd February 2021

Feb 2nd 2021, 13:57

In this blog I consider: the financial effects of coronavirus on local authorities including their housing revenue accounts; whether there is a case for replacing business rates with a Community Landowner Levy; and our webinars. Last week, the Ministry for Housing, Communities & Local…

Blog 2nd February 2021

Blog 25th January 2021

Jan 25th 2021, 17:04

In this blog I consider: The Coronavirus pandemic and its implications for local government; Risk Management in housing and local government; the implications for Housing services of Britain having left the European Union; and our webinars. Last week, Britain recorded the highest daily…

Blog 25th January 2021

Blog 29th December 2020

Dec 29th 2020, 17:10

In this blog I consider the implications for local authorities of the trade deal that was concluded between the United Kingdom and the European Union on Christmas Eve; how to register a new housing association (registered provider); and our webinars. On Christmas Eve, the British…

Blog 29th December 2020

Blog 27th November 2020

Nov 27th 2020, 16:15

In this blog I consider a government report that finds Britain is in a ‘systemic economic crisis’, the 2020 spending review, the cost of achieving carbon neutrality in Britain’s social housing stock that appears to be unaffordable, and our webinars. The…

Blog 27th November 2020

Blog 17th November 2020

Nov 17th 2020, 21:38

In this blog I consider the UK Government’s White Paper on Social Housing, especially its implications for social housing regulation in England. I also consider the Local Government Chronicle’s gloomy predictions for the future of local government following the issue of a…

Blog 17th November 2020

Blog 11th November 2020

Nov 11th 2020, 15:52

In this blog I consider reports by the Royal Institute of British Architects and Community Housing Cymru that both make the case for affordable housing. I also list our webinars. The Royal Institute of British Architects has published an interesting report entitled ‘Homes for…

Blog 11th November 2020

Blog 3rd November 2020

Nov 3rd 2020, 12:55

In this blog I consider the government’s planning white paper ‘Planning for the Future’ and the response to it by the housing and planning sectors; public transport in rural areas; local housing companies and development; and webinars. The government’s consultation…

Blog 3rd November 2020

Blog 26th October 2020

Oct 26th 2020, 13:26

In this blog I consider Marcus Rashford’s campaign to extend free school meals, the financial crisis in local government, housing association finance, how to register a new housing association and webinars. Marcus Rashford’s campaign to extend the free school meals scheme to…

Blog 26th October 2020

Blog 20th October 2020

Oct 20th 2020, 16:00

In this blog I consider the combined effect of Coronavirus and Brexit on the National Health Service. The impact of the coronavirus in Britain has been worse than in most other developed countries. Britain’s infection levels and death rates are among the worst in Europe and the…

Blog 20th October 2020

Blog 13th October 2020

Oct 13th 2020, 09:43

In this blog I consider the financial position of housing associations as revealed by the Regulator of Social Housing and analysed by the ‘Social Housing’ magazine; the implications of the £1.5billion deficit on the Social Housing Pensions scheme; the increase in food…

Blog 13th October 2020

Blog 7th October 2020

Oct 7th 2020, 15:07

In this blog I consider how the International Monetary Fund and Rishi Sunak think governments should respond to the economic effects of coronavirus; the prospect of more austerity in Britain; how changes to universal credit will increase poverty; reaction to the Planning White Paper; social…

Blog 7th October 2020

Blog 29th September 2020

Sep 29th 2020, 15:31

In this blog I consider: Boris Johnson’s announcement today of an expansion of post-18 education & training to level up & prepare workers for the post-COVID economy; the implications of the Trade Bill for the NHS as it enters committee stage in the House of Lords; online…

Blog 29th September 2020

Blog 25th September 2020

Sep 25th 2020, 11:25

In this blog I consider two important announcements made by the UK Government that affect the future of housing in England. Firstly, their white paper on planning – ‘Planning for the Future’; and secondly, the affordable homes programme for 2021 to 2026. I also outline our…

Blog 25th September 2020

Blog 22nd July 2020

Jul 22nd 2020, 12:51

In this blog I preview the autumn’s comprehensive spending review. I conclude that budget reductions can be expected in most public services including local government, housing, & welfare; and that most public sector workers can expect pay reductions. I also look at the financial…

Blog 22nd July 2020

Blog 15th July 2020

Jul 15th 2020, 12:43

In this blog I consider the recent mini-budget that was a missed opportunity to address the housing crisis; Business planning in the housing revenue account; the continued under-funding of adult social care; Lifting the lid on local government finance; why Britain is not taking full…

Blog 15th July 2020

Blog 6th July 2020

Jul 6th 2020, 11:20

In this blog I consider the additional funding that the government is providing to English local authorities to meet the costs and income shortfalls caused by coronavirus. I conclude that it is not enough to meet the shortfall and that councils will be forced to make further budget…

Blog 6th July 2020

Blog 1st July 2020

Jul 1st 2020, 14:43

In this blog I consider Boris Johnson’s ‘build, build, build’ speech & the affordable housing programme in England; the English housing sector’s ‘Homes at Heart’ campaign; the Scottish Federation of Housing Association’s campaign for affordable…

Blog 1st July 2020

Blog 15th June 2020

Jun 15th 2020, 13:18

In this blog I consider the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on housing and adult social care. I refer to the government’s announcement on right to buy receipts, the decision of Cardiff City Council to acquire a hundred homes for affordable rent and a survey that shows significant…

Blog 15th June 2020

Blog 11th June 2020

Jun 11th 2020, 11:43

In this blog I refer to: the British economy after coronavirus, public debt, likely government responses and their impact on public services; Tim Farron’s views on housing; the National Health Service; and our webinars and briefing papers. The British Economy after Coronavirus Now…

Blog 11th June 2020

Blog 12th May 2020

May 12th 2020, 15:52

In this blog, I discuss the impact of coronavirus on local government finances and local economies; the Supported Bus Services grant and our webinars. I refer to the MHCLG, LGA, Cumbria Chamber of Commerce, the Business Energy and Industrial Parliamentary Select Committee, Department for…

Blog 12th May 2020

Blog 28th April 2020

Apr 28th 2020, 14:27

In this blog, I refer to local authority housing finance; coronavirus; economic development & procurement; local government finance; Local Government Association; Scottish Housing Regulator; Scottish housing associations; Training and Webinars. Today, I am finalising my preparations…

Blog 28th April 2020

Blog 20th April 2020

Apr 20th 2020, 15:49

In this blog, I discuss the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the finances of local government and the additional funding provided by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG). I refer to: Local Government Association (LGA); Islington Borough Council; Boris…

Blog 20th April 2020

Blog 15th April 2020

Apr 15th 2020, 14:27

In this blog, I discuss the coronavirus outbreak and its likely effects on the economy. I argue that strategies to re-start the economy after the coronavirus outbreak should be informed by a forward-looking vision of environmental sustainability and that there is a key role for local…

Blog 15th April 2020

Blog 8th April 2020

Apr 8th 2020, 11:15

In this blog, I discuss the impact of coronavirus on adult social care services and introduce our latest webinars. I refer to the Guardian; the NHS; the ONS; Public Health England; Methodist Homes (MHA); Boris Johnson; UNISON; the GMB; the LGA; Service Charges; Housing Association Finance;…

Blog 8th April 2020

Blog 31st March 2020

Mar 31st 2020, 15:15

In this blog, I introduce our latest webinars, consider the impact of coronavirus on local authority and housing association finances and refer to: homelessness; rents & evictions; National Housing Federation; South Yorkshire Housing Association; Plymouth Community Homes; Ministry for…

Blog 31st March 2020

Blog 23rd March 2020

Mar 23rd 2020, 16:27

In this blog, I discuss the additional funding that the government is making available for public services to manage the Coronavirus pandemic. I refer to: Coronavirus & COVID-19; Health; Social Care; Rishi Sunak; Local Authorities; Robert Jenrick; NHS England; CIPFA; Public Finance;…

Blog 23rd March 2020

Blog 19th March 2020

Mar 19th 2020, 16:26

In this blog, I refer to: the Coronavirus pandemic; how AWICS will continue to support clients; the Coronavirus Bill (its provisions, its potential effect on health, social care, mental health, local councils, children’s services, bereavement services, education, human rights and the…

Blog 19th March 2020

Blog 4th March 2020

Mar 4th 2020, 13:58

In this blog, I refer to: The Coronavirus pandemic and its implications for public services in Britain; Budget 2020; the cost of meeting fire safety requirements in flats following the Grenfell fire; NHS; Education; Police; the Guardian; Public Finance; the Times; Rishi Sunak; OBR; CEBR;…

Blog 4th March 2020

Blog 25th February 2020

Feb 25th 2020, 13:08

In this blog, I refer to: Eden District Council; Cumbria County Council; Local Government Information Unit; Ministry for Housing, Communities & Local Government; Local Government Finance; Councillor Graham Chapman; Nottingham City Council; OECD; Poverty & Inequality; University…

Blog 25th February 2020

Blog 20th February 2020

Feb 20th 2020, 22:55

In this blog, I refer to: Service Charges, Immigration, Priti Patel, Home Office, European Union, Freedom of Movement, Herne Hill, Lambeth, Homes England, Greater London Authority, Berlin, Luxembourg, Local Authority Housing Finance, Training and Seminars. On Tuesday, I was in London…

Blog 20th February 2020

Blog 12th February 2020

Feb 12th 2020, 13:39

In this blog, I refer to: Housebuilding in the UK; NHBC; MHCLG; Shelter; the Guardian; Harold Wilson; the Scottish Budget and Affordable Housing Supply Programme; Scottish Government; Eildon HA; Aileen Campbell; CIH Scotland; Housing and Homelessness in Finland; Service Charges; Training…

Blog 12th February 2020

Blog 3rd February 2020

Feb 3rd 2020, 17:07

In this blog, I refer to: European Union; Brexit; United States; National Health Service; Sajid Javid; Financial Times; Ursula Von Der Leyen; European Commission; Confederation of British Industry; Institute of Directors; British Chambers of Commerce; the Guardian; Local Government…

Blog 3rd February 2020

Blog 27th January 2020

Jan 27th 2020, 15:28

In this week’s blog I refer to: Welsh Local Authority Housing Finance; Welsh Government; Swansea City Council; European Investment Bank; European Union; HM Treasury; Resolution Foundation; the Guardian; Bank of England; Sajid Javid; Seminars & Training. We have just launched our…

Blog 27th January 2020

Blog 13th January 2020

Jan 13th 2020, 14:15

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Grenfell; Service Charges; Wandsworth Borough Council; First Tier Property Tribunal; Seminars; Training; Internet; Broadband; European Union; ERDF; Conservatives; Department for Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS); Confederation of British Industry…

Blog 13th January 2020

Blog 7th January 2020

Jan 7th 2020, 15:55

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Local Government Finance Settlement; MHCLG; Robert Jenrick; Sajid Javid; Local Government Chronicle; Lifting the Lid on Local Government Finance; Graham Chapman; Nottingham City Council; Hansard Society; Cumberland & Westmorland Herald’; Rory…

Blog 7th January 2020

Blog 31st December 2019

Dec 31st 2019, 16:07

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Housing Association Finance; Queen’s Speech; Boris Johnson; UK Parliament; NHS; Adult Social Care; Housing; European Union; Brexit; the Conservatives; Cumbria County Council; the Cumberland News; General Election 2019; Service Charges; Seminars…

Blog 31st December 2019

Blog 12th December 2019

Dec 12th 2019, 17:59

In this week’s blog, I refer to: General Election 2019; Conservatives; Labour; Liberal-Democrats; Housing; Shelter; Baroness Warsi; Ed Miliband; Local Government Finance; Local Government Chronicle; London School of Economics; Clement Attlee; European Union; Brexit; European…

Blog 12th December 2019

Blog 3rd December 2019

Dec 3rd 2019, 13:20

In this week’s blog, I refer to: General Election 2019; Workington; Impact Housing Association; Salterbeck; Local Government Chronicle; Allerdale Borough Council; Boris Johnson; Jeremy Corbyn; Riverside Housing Association; Regulator of Social Housing; Wales; Local Authority Housing…

Blog 3rd December 2019

Blog 21st November 2019

Nov 21st 2019, 13:09

In this week’s blog, I refer to: The General Election, Boris Johnson, Jeremy Corbyn, Tactical Voting, UK Parliament, House of Commons, Electoral Reform, Michael Gove, Mail on Sunday, National Health Service, European Union, Queen’s Speech, Spending Review, Welsh Local Authority…

Blog 21st November 2019

Blog 12th November 2019

Nov 12th 2019, 20:17

In this week’s blog, I refer to: UK Parliament; Russia; Brexit; General Election; Boris Johnson; Dominic Grieve; Conservative Party; Impact Housing Association; Riverside Housing Association; Regulator of Social Housing; Service Charges; Seminars & Training. The UK Parliament's…

Blog 12th November 2019

Blog 21st October 2019

Oct 21st 2019, 14:36

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Queen’s Speech 2019; House of Commons; Brexit; Devolution; NHS (England); Local Government Association (LGA); Boris Johnson; Local Authority Housing Finance; Birmingham City Council; Manchester City Council; Service Charges; seminars and…

Blog 21st October 2019

Blog 10th October 2019

Oct 10th 2019, 18:01

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Brexit, Institute for Fiscal Studies, BBC, European Union, Bank of England, United Kingdom Government, Conservative Party, Boris Johnson, Public Works Loans Board, Local Government Association, Eden District Council, Councillor Judith Derbyshire, Risk…

Blog 10th October 2019

Blog 3rd October 2019

Oct 3rd 2019, 17:28

In this week’s blog, I refer to: City of York Council, Cllr Stephen Fenton, Housing, Business Planning, Local Government, Planning, Eden District Council, Climate emergency, Environmental sustainability, Economic Development, Financial Management, Seminars and Training. Last week I…

Blog 3rd October 2019

Blog 19th September 2019

Sep 19th 2019, 16:13

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Education, Brexit, Yellowhammer, Freedom of Movement, European Union, National Association of Head Teachers, the Observer, European Social Fund, Gavin Esler, University of Kent, Erasmus, UK Council for International Student Affairs, Michael Gove,…

Blog 19th September 2019

Blog 12th September 2019

Sep 12th 2019, 15:04

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Spending Review 2019, Sajid Javid, HM Treasury, Health, Education, Police, NHS, Operation Yellowhammer, United Kingdom Government, Brexit, Medicine, Social Care, Risk Management, CIPFA, RSH, Local Government, Housing, Service Charges, Seminars and…

Blog 12th September 2019

Blog 3rd September 2019

Sep 3rd 2019, 11:08

In this week’s blog, I preview the spending review and refer to: Sajid Javid, Boris Johnson, Education, Health, Police, Housing, Local Government, Local Government Association, County Councils’ Network, Local Government Chronicle, Brexit, Resolution Foundation, Office for…

Blog 3rd September 2019

Blog 27th August 2019

Aug 27th 2019, 13:45

In this week’s blog, I refer to: HS2; Grant Shapps; Boris Johnson; Ministry for Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG); HM Treasury; Right to Buy; Council Housing; Local Government Association (LGA); Leeds City Council; Children’s Commissioner for England; Service…

Blog 27th August 2019

Blog 22nd August 2019

Aug 22nd 2019, 11:16

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Boris Johnson, Police, Crown Prosecution Service, Brexit, European Union, Home Office, Rory Stewart, Ministry of Justice, Priti Patel, Woking Borough Council, Sheerwater Regeneration scheme, Service charges, seminars and training. Boris Johnson, the…

Blog 22nd August 2019

Blog 12th August 2019

Aug 12th 2019, 19:22

In this week’s blog, I refer to: HM Treasury, Spending Review, Sajid Javid, NHS, Police, Schools, Local Government, Housing, Office for National Statistics, Bank of England, Brexit, BBC, Institute for Fiscal Studies, Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy, Local…

Blog 12th August 2019

Blog 5th August 2019

Aug 5th 2019, 13:07

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Boris Johnson, NHS England, Health Foundation, Nuffield Trust, King’s Fund, Guardian, Department for Education, schools, Brexit, Kent County Council, Scotland, council housing finance, seminar, training. Boris Johnson announced an additional…

Blog 5th August 2019

Blog 30th July 2019

Jul 30th 2019, 13:48

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Boris Johnson; Local Government; Housing; UK Shared Prosperity Fund; Stronger Towns Fund; Future High Streets Fund; Ministry for Housing, Communities & Local Government; Theresa May; The New European; Conservatives; UK Labour; Liberal-Democrats;…

Blog 30th July 2019

Blog 2nd July 2019

Jul 2nd 2019, 19:00

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Local Government Association; HM Treasury; Institute for Fiscal Studies; Brexit; Philip Hammond; Boris Johnson; Jeremy Hunt; Donald Trump; The Queen; Cumberland & Westmorland Herald; Cumberland News; the New European; the UK Labour Party; the…

Blog 2nd July 2019

Blog 20th May 2019

May 20th 2019, 13:51

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Public Services; European Union; Thomas Piketty; Liberation; European Elections; Jo Platt MP; Eden Council; Local Government Chronicle; Brexit; Climate Change; Staffordshire County Council; Committee on Climate Change; Irish Times; Irish Peat; Housing…

Blog 20th May 2019

Blog 13th May 2019

May 13th 2019, 11:36

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Housing; Local Government; Scotland; Regulator of Social Housing; Housing Associations; Rents; Ministry for Housing & Local Government; Welsh Government; Local Government Association; Children’s services; Peer Reviews; Spending Review; Fair…

Blog 13th May 2019

Blog 8th May 2019

May 8th 2019, 12:19

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Housing; Homelessness; Local Government; Brexit; Local Elections; Eden District Council; Eastleigh Borough Council; Havant Borough Council; Sandwell Borough Council; Proportional Representation; Spending Review; Philip Hammond; Wigan Borough Council;…

Blog 8th May 2019

Blog 2nd May 2019

May 2nd 2019, 08:24

In this week’s blog, I write about the housing crisis in England and refer to: Housing Affordability & Supply; Local Government Association; Ministry for Housing & Local Government; National Housing Federation; G15; Homes for the North; Brexit; Homes England; Greater London…

Blog 2nd May 2019

Blog 25th April 2019

Apr 25th 2019, 16:18

In this week’s blog, I refer to: The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR); the Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development (OECD); United Kingdom Government; Brexit; Spending Review; Philip Hammond; Treasury Select Committee; Local Government Association (LGA);…

Blog 25th April 2019

Blog 18th April 2019

Apr 18th 2019, 16:11

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Universal Credit; Rent Arrears; Woking Borough Council; Sheerwater Regeneration scheme; Scottish Government; UK Government; Adult Social Care; Department for Health & Social Care; Local Government Association; Association of Directors of Adult…

Blog 18th April 2019

Blog 9th April 2019

Apr 9th 2019, 11:55

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Hansard Society; Political Engagement; the Guardian; Hope not Hate; Brexit; Will Self; The New European; Local Elections 2019; Eden District Council; Conservatives; Liberal-Democrats; Labour; Independents; Proportional Representation; Constitutional…

Blog 9th April 2019

Blog 2nd April 2019

Apr 2nd 2019, 12:10

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Service Charges; Ministry for Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG); Right to Buy; Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH); Local Authority Housing Finance; Brexit; Nigel Farage; Rory Stewart; the Guardian; Landlord incentives; Local…

Blog 2nd April 2019

Blog 18th March 2019

Mar 18th 2019, 17:14

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Local Authority Housing Finance; Housing Crisis; Local Government Association; BBC; Right to Buy; Berlin; Compulsory Purchase; The New European; Brexit; Housing Associations; Interserve; the Guardian; Wales; Welsh Government; Department for Work &…

Blog 18th March 2019

Blog 13th March 2019

Mar 13th 2019, 13:50

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Spring Statement; Philip Hammond; Office for Budgetary Responsibility; Treasury; Brexit; Service Charges; Stronger Towns Fund; Theresa May; European Movement; European Union; Cumberland & Westmorland Herald; Housing Associations; Local Authority…

Blog 13th March 2019

Blog 28th February 2019

Feb 28th 2019, 12:41

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Service Charges; Wales; Brexit; Housing Associations; Sajid Javid; Shamima Begum; BBC Question Time; Jacob Rees-Mogg; Theresa May; the Conservatives; migration; citizenship; Eden District Council; Councillor Kevin Beaty; Appleby; Historic England;…

Blog 28th February 2019

Blog 18th February 2019

Feb 18th 2019, 13:29

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Service Charges; National Lottery Heritage Fund; Local Government Information Unit; Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy; Clive Betts MP; Parliamentary Housing, Communities & Local Government Committee; Public Finance; Local…

Blog 18th February 2019

Blog 11th February 2019

Feb 11th 2019, 19:14

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Service Charges; Office for National Statistics; HM Treasury; Brexit; Tax; Welfare; Public borrowing; National Health Service; Institute for Fiscal Studies; Ministry for Housing, Communities & Local Government; Local Authority Housing Finance;…

Blog 11th February 2019

Blog 5th February 2019

Feb 5th 2019, 13:14

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Housing Associations; London & Quadrant HA; Brexit; Inside Housing; the Scottish Government; Scottish Federation of Housing Associations; Local Government Association; Appleby Town Council; Cumberland & Westmorland Herald; Eden District…

Blog 5th February 2019

Blog 28th January 2019

Jan 28th 2019, 20:54

In this week’s blog, I refer to: Lord Andrew Adonis; Julie Ward MEP; Brexit; the People’s vote; Sonnenberg Foundation; European Parliament; I-News; the Guardian; Centre for Cities; Liverpool City Council; Barnsley Borough Council; Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council; Eden…

Blog 28th January 2019

Adrian Waite, Managing Director of AWICS.

For more information about Adrian please click HERE

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