
AWICS Housing News

The 'AWICS Housing News' provides news and analysis of many aspects of housing in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. It is freely available to anyone with an interest in housing.

It has been described as follows by a County Councillor:

"An excellent & informative read as always, Adrian; thank you."

And by the Chief Executive of an English Housing Association as follows:

"Great stuff. It's like reading the Guardian Weekly- a periodic potted summary of the shambles that is English housing policy......."

The most recent copies of AWICS Housing News can be found below.

November 2019

This month's edition includes articles on:

  • Queen's Speech 2019: The Implications for Housing
  • Spending Review 2019: The Implications for Housing
  • City of York scrutinises its Housing Revenue Account
  • The Sheerwater Regeneration scheme in Woking
  • Update on Impact Housing Association and Riverside Housing Association
  • Housing Revenue Account Balances
  • Social Housing Green Paper and Capital Receipts
  • Warm Homes Eden
  • Housing Development in Scotland
  • Housing Development in Wales
  • Service Charges in Social Housing
  • Luton Law Centre

To view or download your copy, please click here.


May 2019

This month's edition includes articles on:

  • The Housing Crisis in England
  • Homelessness
  • Social Housing Green Paper
  • Brexit and Housing Associations
  • Budget 2018 – The Implications for Housing
  • The Sheerwater Regeneration scheme in Woking
  • Housing in Scotland
  • Housing in Berlin
  • Developments in Local Authority Housing Finance

To view or download your copy, please click here.


August 2018

This month's edition includes articles on:

  • A New Vision for Sheerwater
  • Rough Sleeping Strategy: Prevention, Intervention Recovery
  • What makes a good Complaints Policy and Procedure?
  • Carlisle Tenants’ & Residents’ Association thinks Carlisle City Council should set up a Local Housing Company
  • Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018
  • Early Intervention, Prevention and Support Grant in Wales
  • Treasury Management in Housing Associations
  • Service Charges in Social Housing   

To view or download your copy, please click here.


July 2018

This month's edition includes articles on:

Additional Housing Revenue Account Borrowing and Grants for Social Housing
Impact Housing Association and the Riverside Group
Housing Association Regulation, Accountability and Mergers
House Building and Homelessness
Right to Buy
Sheltered Housing: Responses to the Consultation
Loreburn Housing Association and the Stranraer Youth Foyer
Global Accounts of Housing Associations in Wales

To view or download your copy, please click here.


February 2018

This month's edition includes articles on:

Impact Housing Association, Regulation and Financial Management
Service Charges: Some Relevant Legislation
Treasury Committee recommends abolishing the 'borrowing cap'
Scottish Housing Regulator launches discussion paper on Regulation
Supporting People funding in Wales

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January 2018

This month's edition includes articles on:

Impact Housing Association and Governance
Fixed and Variable Service Charges
Funding Supported Housing
The Scottish Budget and its implications for Housing
Loreburn Housing Association to open dementia facility and youth foyer in Stranraer
Homelessness Services in Wales
The United Kingdom Housing Market

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December 2017

This month's edition includes articles on:

Budget 2017: The Implications for Housing
Home Truths: A Progressive Vision of Housing Policy in the 21st Century
Local Housing Allowance Survey
Does Brexit threaten the Government’s housing plans?
Housing Business Planning in Slough
Eildon Housing Association enters into Innovative Partnership
Community Housing Cymru calls for review of Affordable Housing
Housing in Northern Ireland   
Service Charges in Social Housing

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November 2017

This month's edition includes articles on:

Budget Preview
Funding Supported Housing; Policy Statement and Consultation
Housing Announcements: Help to Buy, Affordable Housing Programme & Social Rent
Homelessness Reduction Act: New Burdens Funding
Local Housing Companies
Housing Business Planning Assumptions and Uncertainties
Welfare Reform and Rent in Scotland
Service Charges at Denbighshire County Council

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October 2017

This month's edition includes articles on:

Chartered Institute of Housing protests about Government Housing Budgets
National Audit Office publishes report on Homelessness
Councils ask for more flexibility with Right to Buy receipts
Update on Rent Policy
Housing Statistics for Scotland provide mixed news
Housing (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill
Cumbria County Council invests in housing for the elderly
Vale of Glamorgan – Community Infrastructure & Affordable Housing
Housing Business Planning in an Uncertain Environment                
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September 2017

This month's edition includes articles on:

Grenfell Tower and Major Repairs Budgets
Housing Business Planning in an Uncertain Environment
Government delays cause 85% reduction in Supported Housing
Scottish Planning Bill and Affordable Housing
Welsh Government to review Social Rents
Housing in the Isle of Man

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August 2017

This month's edition includes articles on:

Housing Business Planning in an Uncertain Environment
Queen’s Speech 2017
Housing in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Community Housing Fund
New Regulatory Framework for Housing Associations in Wales
Glasgow to develop sustainable solutions to fuel poverty with €4.1million EU grant
Funding of Supported Housing
Building New Affordable Housing
Grenfell Tower           

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July 2017

This month's edition includes articles on:

Outcome of the General Election 2017
Homes for Londoners - Affordable Homes Programme 2016 to 2021
Impact Housing Association - Governance and Resident Engagement
The Need for more Wheelchair Accessible Housing
Funding Temporary Accommodation
Scottish Government Announces Affordable Housing Programme
Social House Building in Wales
Stock of Social Housing and Right to Buy in England
Housing Association Rents
Service Charges
Advertisement - Infobase Cymru

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June 2017

This month's edition includes articles on:

General Election 2017 – Housing Policies of the Main Parties
Housing: The State of the Nation – Report of the Public Accounts Committee
The Future of Supported Housing – Report of Parliamentary Select Committees
Service Charges and Housing Benefit in Supported Housing
Local Authorities across Britain identify a ‘severe’ need for more affordable homes
Housing with Care in Scotland
Housing Roundup in Wales
Housing Revenue Account ‘Health Checks’
Advertisement - Infobase Cymru

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May 2017

This month's edition includes articles on:

Housing and the General Election
Flexible Homelessness Support Grant Introduced
Global Accounts of Housing Associations show cause for concern
Service Charges: Depreciation and the Usage Charge
Increased funding for Affordable Housing in Scotland
Housing News in Wales
AWICS Website
AWICS Seminars
Advertisement - Infobase Cymru
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April 2017

This month's edition includes articles on:

Housing White Paper
The Value of Peer Reviews
Global Accounts of Housing Associations
The Abolition of Right to Buy and Associated Rights (Wales) Bill
Service Charges and Administration Costs
Housing Association Mergers
Shelter Scotland publishes a Local Manifesto for Homes
Update on Welfare Reform
AWICS Seminars
Advertisement - Infobase Cymru
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January 2017

This month's edition includes articles on:

Affordable Housing Programme 2016 to 2021
Starter Homes
The Autumn Statement 2016: THe Implications for Housing
Funding for Supported Housing
Pay to Stay
Brexit: The Implications for Housing
Housing News in Scotland
Housing News in Wales

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August 2016

This month's edition includes articles on:

Right to Buy in Local Government and Housing Associations
Local Government Association calls for more council houses
Supported Housing and the Local Housing Allowance Cap
Pay to Stay and Regulations under the Housing & Planning Act
Starter Homes
Housing Association Mergers
Rent Setting in Housing Associations and Local Government
Homelessness in Scotland
Housing Benefits and Poverty in Wales
Housing in Europe
Developments in Local Authority Housing Finance

July 2016

This month's edition includes articles on:

Brexit and Housing
Supported Housing
New Housing Policies for London
Housing Association Mergers
Value for Money
Pay to Stay
Scottish Housing Regulator's Approach to Regulation
Housing Revenue Account Draft Item Eight Determination
Housing in Wales Roundup
Seminar: Local Authority Housing Finance

April 2016

This month's edition includes articles on:

Starter Homes
Housing Association Mergers
Scottish Housing Regulator publishes assessment of Housing Associations
Budget 2016: The Implications for Housing and Welfare
Local Government Association advocates Housing Devolution
Local Government Association research on Homelessness
Regeneration Schemes in Wales
Housing & Planning Bill: Implications for Housing and Local Government
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January 2016

This month's edition includes articles on:

Business Planning in the Housing Revenue Account
Self-Financing, Depreciation and the Private Finance Initiative
Service Charges and Value for Money
Spending Review and Autumn Statement 2015: The Implications for Housing
Lambeth Borough Council sets up ‘Homes for Lambeth’
The Housing Budget in Scotland
Housing in Wales – Update
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November 2015

This month's edition includes articles on:

Rent Reform - responses by the sector
Reinvigoration of 'Right to Buy'
Devolution of Housing powers - 38 regions offer their proposals
Huntingdonshire Council lends money to Luminus to finance extra care home
Social housing developments in Wales hit target
Scotland - Perth & Kinross Council asks for suggestions for community improvement projects
Readers' Questions and Answers
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October 2015

This month's edition includes articles on:

Housing and Planning Bill
Welfare Reform and Work Bill
Extension of Right to Buy to Housing Associations
New Build by local authorities — councils set up housing companies
Sale of high value council homes — reports raise doubts
Scottish National Housing Trust — 1000th home built through investment vehicle
Welsh Homelessness Policy — success for new policy
Introduction to AWICS webinars — a convenient way to access our training offer
Housing Associations
Advertisements (Eden District Council and Chartered Institute of Housing)
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September 2015

This month's edition features articles on:

Updated figures on the 'Right to Buy' effect on local authorities
Local authorities developing through private companies and investment vehicles
Future of Housing Associations Enquiry and the Place Shapers' response to DCLG
Summary of the Welfare Reform and Work Bill
Successful resident engagement in Housing Associations
Chartered institute of Housing Conference
AWICS Webinars
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August 2015

This month's edition features articles on:

Genesis Housing Association to stop building social and affordable homes
2015 Budget: Implications of rent reductions and changes to rents for high income tenants
Welfare Reform and Work Bill
Service Charges - landmark rulings define approach
Islington Borough Council's policy on affordable homes in new build and regeneration
AWICS Webinars
Right to Buy extension, sale of high value council homes and rent reform
National Housing Federation: Leaseholder and Tenant Service Charges Conference
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July 2015

This month's edition features articles on:

Osborne's summer budget and its implications for housing
Right to Buy in Housing Associations / Sale of High Value Council Homes
Right to Buy in Scotland and Wales
The impact of the Benefits Cap on families in low-income households
Devolution of powers to English councils
Letters, Seminars and Books
Advertisement - National Housing Federation
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June 2015

This month's edition features articles on:

The New Government and the Implications for Housing
Extension of Right to Buy to Housing Associations
Councils, New Build and Purchase
Valuations, Depreciation and Impairment in the Housing Revenue Account
Rent Increases
Temporary Accommodation, Subsidy and Universal Credit
Developments in Local Authority Housing Finance
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April 2015

This month's edition features articles on:

Homes & Communities Agency Regulatory Framework
Homes & Communities Agency Global Accounts
Right to Buy for Housing Associations - will it happen?
Cressingham Gardens - Knocking it down or Building it up?
United Kingdom budget - the implications for housing finance
Rolling out Universal Credit - a brief update on progress
L&Q announces ambitious development programme
All You Want to Know about Housing Association Finance
Advertisement - Cheltenham Borough Homes
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March 2015

This month's edition features articles on:

Elphicke-House housing review outcomes
United Kingdom Budget 2015
Service Charges in Social Housing
Homes & Communities Agency's new policies on housing regulation (including value for money standards)
New funding for Extra Care Housing
AWICS clients' news round up
AWICS Survey
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January 2015

This month's edition features articles on:

Autumn Statement 2014 – The Implications for Housing
Adrian Waite speaks at Housemark Conference on Asset Management
Implementing Self-Financing in Wales
Local Authority Housing Finance
Risk Management in Social Housing
Advertisements: National Housing Federation, Impact Housing Association, Alpha Homes
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October 2014

This month's edition features articles on:

Affordable Homes Programme - £800million available
Local Authorities, New Build and the Borrowing Cap
Rent Increases in 2015
Government considers Centralisation of Housing
Scottish Housing Budgets announced
Eden Council promotes Affordable Housing
Adrian Waite to speak at Housemark Conference on Asset Management and Welsh Self-Financing
All You Want to Know about Local Authority Housing Finance
Advertisement – Housemark
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September 2014

This month's edition features articles on:

Leaseholder and Tenant Service Charges
Risk Management in Social Housing
Are Eco Homes the answer to the United Kingdom’s housing and climate change issues?
Catalyst Housing: Regeneration at Wornington Green
Impact Housing: New Homes in Kendal
Protecting Rural Housing
Self-Financing causes financial problems
Perth & Kinross Council welcomes first Scottish Housing Charter Report
Vacancy for Marketing Advisor
Advertisements - National Housing Federation and Housemark
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August 2014

This month's edition features articles on:

Local Authorities, Development and the Borrowing Cap
Impact Housing opens 'Nobel's Place' in Kendal
Affordable Homes Programme 2015/18
Financial Modelling for Housing
Basildon Borough Council and the HRA Ring-Fence
Severnside Housing is a Star Landlord
More innovations at Perth & Kinross
Value for Money and Performance Management in Housing
Advertisements - National Housing Federation
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June 2014

This month's edition features articles on:

Guidance on Rents for Social Housing
Queen’s Speech 2014 – Implications for Housing
Impact Housing Association Annual General Meeting
Welsh Local Authorities to introduce Service Charges
Severnside Housing Association’s Learning Agreement with UNISON and Home Swap Drop-In
Lambeth Council and the Lambeth Housing Standard
WATMOS and the Lambeth Walk
Gateways to Oldham
Developments in Local Authority Housing Finance Seminar and Workshop
Advertisement – Social Housing Finance Conference
Advertisement - Voluntary Audit Committee Members
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May 2014

This month's edition features articles on:

A New Housing Policy to meet the Housing Crisis
National Housing Federation publishes Research on Welfare Reform
Value for Money and Performance at Impact Housing Association
Welsh Local Authorities to build New Council Houses
Regeneration and Insulation in Lambeth
Growth and Infrastructure Act 2013 and Affordable Homes in Oldham
Service Charges Seminar and Workshop
Advertisement – Social Housing Finance Conference
Advertisement - Voluntary Audit Committee Members
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April 2014

This month's edition features articles on:

Self-Financing, Rents and Service Charges in Wales
Impact Housing wins Inside Housing award for Grasmere scheme
Local Growth Fund and new Council houses
Budget 2014 – The Implications for Housing
Severnside Housing Association, Digital Inclusion and Learning
National Housing Federation Conference
Service Charges Seminar & Workshop
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March 2014

This month's edition features articles on:

Croydon Council tackles ;Housing Crisis'
Harrow Council regenerates Francis Road
Perth & Kinross Council improves Housing Offer
Lambeth Council: Co-operatives, Development and Court Challenges
Basildon Council changes residency conditions
National Housing Federation Conferences
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February 2014

This month's edition features articles on:

Housing Associations continue to be financially stable
Severnside Housing Association and Performance
Irwin Mitchell takes Sandwell Council to Judicial Review
Oldham Council finds innovative ways to provide new homes
Scottish Local Authority Housing Income & Expenditure
Service Charges
National Housing Federation – Housing Finance Conference & Exhibition
Service Charges Seminar & Workshop
All You Want to know about Local Authority Housing Finance Book
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January 2014

This month's edition features articles on:

The Autumn Statement and Housing
Councils and Collective Punishment
Local Authority Housing Finance
Thamesmead and Service Charges
Impact Housing launches its 2014/18 Business Plan
Northampton Borough Council launches Arm’s Length Management Organisation
Rents for Social Housing from 2015
Housing Transfer Manual
Advertisement – An Opportunity to join the Board of Impact Housing
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November 2013

This month's edition features articles on:

Oldham Council consults on service charges
Self-financing to be introduced in Wales
More on Eden District Council and the Bedroom Tax
Community Infrastructure Levy
Homes & Communities Agency and the Regulatory Framework
Gloucester City Council to set up first CoCo
Second home owners buy up affordable housing land to extend gardens
AWICS announces 2014 series of seminars and workshops
Service Charges
Local Authority Housing Finance
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October 2013

This month's edition features articles on:

Hijacking the HRA - Moral and Legal Implications by Ken Lee
Eden District Council debates declassifying bedrooms
More Bedroom Tax Developments
Community Infrastructure Levy
Impact Housing Association Board Conference
Social Landlords will not be required to Ring Fence
Welsh Housing Associations eye £10 Billion
Further Investment Needed for Scottish Housing Associations
Service Charges
Scottish Social Housing Finance
Local Authority Housing Finance
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September 2013

This month's edition features articles on:

Family Fun day at the Eden Rural Foyer in Penrith
Update on Rent Convergence
A View of Housing Policy by Paul Lusk
Welfare Reform
Adrian Waite to speak at the National Housing Federation Conference
Scottish Local Authority Housing Revenue Accounts
Perth and Kinross - £19million Social Housing Investment
Work starts on new Oldham affordable homes
Charities are working together with local authorities
Climate Change and the Green Deal
Impact's Living Well scheme chosen to launch pioneering dementia care pilot
AWICS seminars
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August 2013

This month's edition features articles on:

The End of Rent Convergence
Self-Financing Budgets and Business Plans
Housing Capital Programmes in English Local Authorities
Impact Housing Association and the Homes & Communities Agency's proposals for Regulation
National Housing Federation Leaseholder and Tenant Service Charges Conference
Scotland ends Right to Buy
Regeneration in Leeds
Liberal Democrat plans to build up to 25,000 new homes
Greenwich Council procures £269million redevelopment programme<br /

Houses in Crofton, West Yorkshire, owned by Wakefield & District Housing Association.

Please contact Adrian Waite at if you would like to:

  • Give feedback on the AWICS Housing News
  • Submit an article or letter for inclusion in the AWICS Housing News
  • Place an advertisement in the AWICS Housing News
  • Access editions of the AWICS Housing News that precede 2013
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