
AWICS Scotland News

Welcome to our e-newsletter: The ‘AWICS Scotland News’. This e-newsletter provides news about public services, especially housing and local government, in Scotland.

While our other e-newsletters, the ‘Public Services 'News’ and ‘AWICS Housing News’ continue to include articles of interest to people in Scotland, I think there is a need for a separate e-newsletter for Scotland to reflect the unique political, legislative, regulatory, social and economic situation in Scotland and the specific issues that arise.

We hope that you enjoy reading the e-newsletter. If you would like to give us feedback on this newsletter, to submit an article or letter for publication or to place an advertisement, please contact Adrian at

Our latest edition is for May 2019. It includes articles on:

  • Housing Development
  • Scottish Housing Regulator – New Regulatory Framework
  • Social Tenants in Scotland
  • Housing Revenue Account Statistics
  • Social Security Scotland
  • Universal Credit and Child Poverty
  • Funding Local Government in Scotland
  • Freedom of Information Act
  • United Kingdom Budget 2018 – The Implications for Scotland
  • Scottish Local Authority Housing Finance

To view or download your copy, please click here


Our October 2017 edition includes articles on:

  • The Scottish Government’s New Fiscal Powers and Budgetary Process
  • Scottish Government calls for more devolution after Brexit
  • Scottish Planning Bill and Affordable Housing
  • Housing Statistics for Scotland provide mixed news
  • Housing (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill
  • Welfare Reform and Rent
  • Glasgow to develop sustainable solutions to fuel poverty with €4.1million EU grant
  • Perth & Kinross Council completes new Council Housing
  • School Library Improvement Fund                

To download your copy, please click HERE


Our July 2017 edition includes articles on:

  • Scottish Government announces Affordable Housing Programme
  • Housing with Care
  • Public Sector Pay Cap
  • Scotland’s National Health Service leads by example
  • Life Chances of Young People in Scotland
  • Employment Prospects for Disabled People
  • Coastal Communities Fund
  • Local Authority Provisional Outturn (2016-17) and Budget Estimates (2017-18)    

To download your copy, please click HERE


Our April 2017 edition includes articles on:

  • Autumn Statement 2016 and Budget 2017
  • Scottish Local Govermment Funding Settlement
  • Increased Funding for Affordable Housing in Scotland
  • Shelter Scotland publishes a Local Manifesto for Homes
  • Update on Welfare Reform
  • Homelessness in Scotland
  • Scottish Housing Regulator's approach to Regulation
  • Housing News around Scotland

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Our June 2016 edition includes articles on:

  • New Scottish Government's Programme
  • Scottish Housing Regulator publishes assessment of housing associations
  • Council Tax Reform
  • Scottish Housing Regulator's work plan, risk assessment and resident engagement
  • Scottish Welfare Fund
  • Scottish landlords expect increased costs
  • Housing Benefit Caps
  • Eildon Group's economic impact
  • Housing and Social Care services to be brought together in Perth
  • Scottish Social Housing Finance

To download your FREE copy please click HERE


Our March 2016 edition includes articles on:
  • Scottish Budget and Housing
  • Scottish Budget and Welfare
  • Participatory Budgeting
  • Housing Benefit and the Local Housing Allowance Cap
  • Health & Social Care Integration
  • Focus on Perth & Kinross
  • Scottish Social Housing Finance

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Our November 2015 edition includes articles on:
  • Scottish Government Programme unveiled - focus on Education
  • Private Tenancies (Scotland) Bill - increased tenure security for tenants and landlords
  • Welfare Reform in Scotland
  • Scottish Housing Regulator provides new digital reporting tool on service performance
  • 1,000 homes built with support by National Housing Trust
  • Local Authority Housing Income & Expenditure 2014/15
  • Client update: Perth & Kinross Council
  • AWICS webinars

To download your FREE copy please click HERE


Our July 2015 edition includes articles on:
  • Departmental spending cuts expected to impact Scottish budgets by £107million
  • Positive outlook for number of housing completions in the Scottish housing sector
  • Consultation on Council Tax reform receives more than 130 responses
  • Scottish Housing Regulator and Value for Money
  • Scotland Bill to receive its third reading in Parliament shortly
  • Initial meetings of joint integration boards take place across Scotland
  • Client update: Perth & Kinross Council
  • All You Want to Know about Scottish Social Housing Finance

To download your FREE copy please click HERE


Our first edition was for May 2015. It includes articles on:

  • Scottish Housing Regulator: Global Accounts
  • Adult Social Care and Health Integration
  • Devolving Welfare to the Scottish Parliament
  • Scottish Land Reform
  • Perth & Kinross Council's initiatives
  • All You Want to Know about Scottish Social Housing Finance

To download your FREE copy please click HERE

Perth & Kinross Council offices. AWICS has provided in-house training to the Council.

Other Information about Scotland

To view briefing papers on Scottish issues, please click HERE

For further information about in-house training in Scottish Social Housing Finance, please click HERE

To download our brochure about our Scottish publications please click HERE

For information on all our services in Scotland, please click HERE

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