
National Housing Federation - Leaseholder and Tenant Service Charges

I attended the National Housing Federation’s conference on leaseholder and tenant service charges on 3rd September 2014.

I was responsible for presenting two sessions as follows:

Calculating and Apportioning Service Charges in an accurate and transparent manner:

  • Assessing the technical support and advice available
  • Establishing best practices of identifying and calculating service charge costs for your property portfolio
  • Projecting future service charge costs earlier to minimise disruption to your organisation

To download your FREE copy of the slides please click HERE

Minimising Service Charges to drive Affordability for your customers:

  • Understanding which chargeable services are valued by customers
  • Minimising the costs of utilities when overall prices are sharply rising
  • Putting measures in place in the development stage to ensure lower cost services

To download your FREE copy of the slides please click HERE

I have also prepared a briefing note that summarises the sessions that were presented by the other speakers. this includes:

  • Placing Affordability and Value for Money at the heart of your service charge strategy
  • The challenges of fixe and variable service charges
  • Integrating Depreciation costs into your service charges strategy
  • Refocusing your service charges strategy around Universal Credit
  • Building a transparency strategy suitable for both rental and leasehold properties
  • What does an effective service charge communications strategy look like?

To download your FREE copy please click HERE


Bramble Court Extra Care Elderly Housing - an Impact Housing Association scheme at Brampton, Cumbria.

Further Information:

For further information about the seminar 'All You Want to Know about Service Charges in Social Housing' please click HERE

For further information about the seminar 'All You Want to Know about Service Charges in Social Housing in Wales' please click HERE

For further information about in-house training in service charges please click HERE

For further information about management consulting advice and assistance with service charges please click HERE

For further information about the book 'All You Want to Know about Service Charges in Social Housing' please click HERE

To view or download briefing papers on service charges, please click HERE

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