
Housing Business Planning in an Uncertain Environment

Briefing Paper

This briefing paper looks at how local authorities can update their housing revenue account business plans.

Business Planning has been an important element of the management of council housing for some time. However, we are now operating in a very uncertain environment. There is a minority government; the Housing & Planning Act will not be implemented in full; the future funding of supported housing is under threat; and the implications of the vote for Britain to leave the European Union are not clear.

The public finances are weak; welfare reform is a ‘work in progress’; government policy on rent reductions, ‘right to buy’, new development and the integration of housing, social care & health are all unclear. Demographic change continues to put pressure on housing services.

Business Planning is not just about ‘crunching the numbers’. It is also about:

  • Strategy
  • Responding to external challenges including changing government policy
  • Asset Management
  • Risk Management

Now is not only a good time to revise and update business plans. It is essential that this be done so that local authorities can be responsive to changing government policy and other significant uncertainties in the environment in which housing services are provided.

This requires a new way of business planning including a robust approach to the development of strategy, financial forecasting, sensitivity analysis, risk management and contingency planning.

Your copy of this briefing paper can be freely downloaded from HERE


More information about business planning

For further information about our seminar: 'Housing Business Planning in an Uncertain Environment', please click HERE

For further information about in-house training in Business Planning, please click HERE

For further information about business planning and management consulting advice and assistance that AWICS can provide, please click HERE

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