
Developments in Local Authority Housing Finance 2017 - Publication

This book looks in depth at current developments in local authority housing finance in England – especially the implications of the outcome of the 2017 General Election for local authority housing, the Autumn Statement of 2016, the Housing White Paper, whether the Housing & Planning Act 2016 will be implemented in full, the future funding of supported housing, the vote for Britain to leave the European Union, the affordable housing programme, the public finances, welfare reform, homelessness, rent reductions and development. It includes sections on:

  • The Political, Economic, Social and Technological Context.
  • Government Housing Policy.
  • General Election 2017 - The Housing Policies of the Main Parties
  • Funding of Supported Housing - Government Proposals
  • Funding of Supported Housing - Recent Developments
  • Affordable Housing Programme
  • Brexit
  • Flexible Homelessness Support Grant

Those with an interest in developments in local authority housing finance in England, including Senior Management and Housing Managers in Housing Authorities and Arm’s Length Management Organisations, Elected Members, ALMO Board Members, Housing Accountants, Civil Servants and Tenant Representatives should find this book useful. It assumes a basic knowledge of local authority housing finance but does not assume that readers are experts. 

This book addresses the following questions:

  • What is the Political, Economic, Social and Technical Context?
  • What are the implications for local authority housing finance of the government’s policies on housing and welfare?
  • How will the Housing & Planning Act be implemented?
  • How can councils develop effective self-financed business plans?
This book is excellent value at £30 plus £3.25 postage and packing. It includes 100 pages and was published in 2017. To order a copy please click the 'order now' button below.

(Please note that you can pay by debit or credit card. To do so, please select 'paypal' from the payment options).

Price: £30.00

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