
Blog 19th June 2017

Jun 19th 2017, 13:49

Blog 19th June 2017

With a minority government now in place that will inevitably focus its attention on Brexit and the Parliamentary arithmetic, it will be important to ensure that measures that are required to sustain public services are not forgotten about.

One of these is Adult Social Care where there is a need to provide sufficient resources and effective integration with health, housing and other services. The prospects for Adult Social Care are discussed in the ‘Public Services News’ (see below).

Another pressing issue is supported housing. I had a letter published on this subject in ‘Inside Housing’ this week. In the letter I conclude that:

“If confidence is to be restored, housing is to be provided for vulnerable people, and unmanageable pressure on health and social care services is to be avoided, the new government will have to act with urgency to address the funding of supported housing.”

To download a copy of my letter, please click HERE

The July 2017 edition of the Public Services News has been published today. It includes articles on:

  • The General Election, the Economy and Public Finances
  • AWICS is Passionate about Public Services
  • The Prospects for Adult Social Care
  • About Business Planning
  • Scottish Local Government Funding Settlement
  • Local Government Reform in Wales
  • Globalisation and Empowering Citizens
  • Management Consulting for Trade Unions

Your copy can be freely downloaded from HERE

The July 2017 edition of the ‘AWICS Housing News’ was published last week. It includes articles on:

  • Outcome of the General Election 2017
  • Homes for Londoners - Affordable Homes Programme 2016 to 2021
  • Impact Housing Association - Governance and Resident Engagement
  • The Need for more Wheelchair Accessible Housing
  • Funding Temporary Accommodation
  • Scottish Government Announces Affordable Housing Programme
  • Social House Building in Wales
  • Stock of Social Housing and Right to Buy in England
  • Housing Association Rents
  • Service Charges

Your copy can be freely downloaded from HERE

Last Wednesday I presented the 2017 edition of ‘Developments in Local Authority Housing Finance’ in London. The seminar was well attended and well received and I am grateful to all those who attended for their participation. Delegates said that the information provided was relevant, the quality of the presentation was good and that the training met their needs fully. They described the seminar as: Useful, Thorough, Comprehensive, Clear and Interesting. Specific feedback received included:

  • Good, thorough overview of housing policy development. Sets things in context well.
  • Lots of food for thought. Many thanks.

This seminar is now available in-house. For further information, please click HERE

The book that accompanies the seminar is also available to buy separately. For further information, please click HERE

Our next seminar is on ‘All You Want to Know about Service Charges in Social Housing in Wales’ and will be held in Cardiff on 12th September 2017. For further information or to make a booking, please click HERE

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