
Blog 10th April 2017

Apr 10th 2017, 10:38

Blog 10th April 2017

Last week the de-regulation provisions of the Housing and Planning Act came into force. This is significant for housing associations in England as it reduces the powers of the Homes & Communities Agency and paves the way for housing associations to be removed from the public-sector balance sheet. The changes include:

  • Removal of the constitutional consents regime and disposals consent regime
  • Introduction of notification requirements
  • Changes to the Disposals Proceeds Fund
  • Amendment of the powers to appoint board members and managers

The April editions of all our newsletters are now out.

The Public Services News features articles on: The Local Government Finance Settlement for England 2017/18; Autumn Statement 2016; Budget 2017; The Value of Peer Reviews; Local Government Association Peer Reviews; Sevenoaks Council: How we became Council of the Year; Budgets for Cumbria County Council and Eden District Council; Future of the Health Service in Cumbria and the Implications of Brexit for Public Services. Your copy can be freely downloaded from HERE

The AWICS Housing News features articles on: The Housing White Paper; The Value of Peer Reviews; Global Accounts of Housing Associations; The Abolition of the Right to Buy and Associated Rights (Wales) Bill; Service Charges and Administration Costs; Housing Association Mergers; Shelter Scotland publishes a Local Manifesto for Homes and Update on Welfare Reform. Your copy can be freely downloaded from HERE

The AWICS Scotland News features articles on: The Autumn Statement 2016 and Budget 2017; Scottish Local Government Funding Settlement; Increased Funding for Affordable Housing in Scotland; Shelter Scotland publishes a Local Manifesto for Homes; Update on Welfare Reform; Homelessness in Scotland; Scottish Housing Regulator’s approach to Regulation and Housing News around Scotland. Your copy can be freely downloaded from HERE

The AWICS Wales News features articles on: The Abolition of the Right to Buy and Associated Rights (Wales) Bill; The Implications of Brexit for Wales and Public Services; Local Government Reform in Wales; Autumn Statement 2016 and Budget 2017; The Welsh Budget 2017/18; Funding Supported Housing and Housing News in Wales. Your copy can be freely downloaded from HERE

We have recently updated our website with the following new and revised pages:

  • Business Planning - please click HERE
  • Housing Association Mergers - please click HERE
  • Local Government Association Peer Reviews - please click HERE
  • Management Consulting for Trade Unions - please click HERE
  • AWICS Director - Adrian Waite - please click HERE

Our next seminar on ‘All You Want to Know about Service Charges in Social Housing’ in England will be held in Leeds on 17th May 2017. As usual this seminar is proving popular but there are still some places available. For more information or to make a booking please click HERE

This will be followed by ‘All You Want to Know about Housing Association Finance’ that will be held in London on 24th May 2017. For more information or to make a booking please click HERE

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