
Welfare Reform: The Implications for Housing and Local Government - Publication

This book looks in detail at the Government’s controversial welfare reforms and their implications for claimants, social landlords, local authorities and the public finances in all the nations of the United Kingdom.

The Government was elected on a commitment to reduce expenditure on welfare by £12billion. Its detailed proposals for doing this were announced in the Budget of July 2015. It has also introduced the Welfare Reform and Work Bill.

The main measures are:

  • Working-age benefits, including tax credits and Local Housing Allowance, will be frozen for four years from 2016/17.
  • The household benefit cap will be reduced to £20,000 (£23,000 in London).
  • Support through Child Tax Credit will be limited to two children for children born from April 2017.
  • Those aged 18 to 21 who are on Universal Credit will have to apply for an apprenticeship or traineeship, gain work-based skills, or go on a work placement six months after the start of their claim.
  • It was proposed to reduce tax credits for people on low incomes. 

In addition the Under-occupation penalty remains in place and Universal Credit continues to be rolled out. Welfare reform is clearly having a significant effect on tenants and other residents who claim benefits and on the ability of councils and housing associations to collect income and fund services. This seminar will address the implications of Welfare Reform for local authorities and housing associations. The session is accompanied by a very useful book entitled: “Welfare Reform 2015 – The Implications for Housing and Local Government”

But what effect will all this have on claimants, housing associations and local authorities and how can they manage the reforms to mitigate the risks that they face?

The book contains chapters on:
  • Overview and Background to Welfare Reform
  • The Welfare Reform and Work Bill
  • The Total Benefits Cap
  • The Four Year Benefits Freeze
  • Tax Credits
  • Universal Credit
  • Other Welfare Benefits
  • Withdrawing Housing Benefit from 18-21 year olds
  • Rent Reform
  • Impact of Welfare Reform on Claimants, Landlords and Local Authorities
  • Specific implications in Scotland and Wales
  • Practical Steps to manage the reforms
It should be of interest to all those with an interest in the welfare reforms including councillors and officers of local authorities; board members and officers of housing associations; representatives of tenants and claimants; staff of voluntary bodies; academics; lawyers and civil servants. This book is excellent value at £30 plus £3.25 postage and packing. It includes 100 pages and was published in 2015. To order a copy please click the 'order now' button below.

(Please note that you can pay by debit or credit card. To do so, please select 'paypal' from the payment options).

Price: £30.00

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