
Welfare Reform 2017: The Implications for Housing

In 2015, the Government was elected on a commitment to reduce expenditure on welfare by £12billion. Its detailed proposals for doing this were announced in the Budget of July 2015. It also passed the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016. In 2017, the government was re-elected as a minority government on a commitment not to introduce any new welfare measures but to continue with the existing programme of welfare reform – including the rolling out of Universal Credit, the capping of Housing Benefit at the level of the Local Housing Allowance and reforms to the funding of Supported Housing.

The Government is planning to change the way in which Supported Housing is funded with housing benefit and universal credit set at the level of the local housing allowance and supporting only core housing costs with housing support services being funded separately. At the same time, new locally administered schemes will be introduced to ‘top-up’ the funding that is required to fund housing support. However, this has not found favour in the sector and the Parliamentary Select Committees for Communities & Local Government and Work & Pensions have recommended an alternative approach.

This seminar will explain and examine the government’s welfare reforms and their implications for local authorities, housing associations and their tenants. It is designed for people who are not experts in welfare reform, but who understand the basics. It is suitable for councillors, board members, housing managers, tenant representatives, finance staff and others with an interest in welfare reform.

The session will consider the following questions:

  • What is the Government trying to achieve?
  • What are the implications of welfare reform including Universal Credit for housing and local government?
  • What are the implications for Supported Housing?
  • How can Local Authorities and Housing Associations manage the implications of welfare reform?
The session is accompanied by a very useful hundred-page book that is designed for reference after the session entitled: ‘Welfare Reform 2017: The Implications for Housing’.

Venues and Dates:

  • London: Novotel Hotel, Waterloo –        5th December 2017.
  • North: Novotel Hotel, Leeds –              12th December 2017.

The price of the seminar in London is £250 plus Value Added Tax, a total of £300. The price of the seminar in Leeds is £195 plus Value Added Tax, a total of £234. However, there is a £20 discount for people who book a month or more in advance making the cost £230 in London and £175 in Leeds.

To make a booking, please click HERE

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