

including 'Pay to Stay'

Webinar - Monday 14th November 2016 at 2pm

In its July 2015 budget the government announced new policies for social rents including 1% annual reductions and market rents for tenants with high incomes - 'pay to stay'.

These ‘reforms’ will have a significant effect on the business plans of both housing associations and local authorities. In particular there is concern about the continued ability of housing associations and local authorities to develop new homes – and even some concern about their continued viability. There is therefore a need for those involved in managing the finances of housing associations and local authority housing services to understand the inter-relationship between these policies. 'Pay to Stay' was included in the Housing & Planning Act 2016 and will be introduced through regulations that are expected to be issued in September 2016. It will be compulsory for local authorities and voluntary for housing associations.

This webinar will examine the government’s proposals in detail and consider all the implications for housing associations and local authorities and the options available for managing those implications.

The webinar will address the following issues:

  • 1% annual reductions in social and affordable rents
  • Near market rents for tenants with high incomes
  • Provisions in the Welfare Reform and Work Act
  • Provisions in the Housing and Planning Act
  • Impacts on Business plans of Housing Associations and Local Authorities
  • Will there be any exemptions?

Who should attend?

All those with an interest in housing association or local authority housing in England, including Managers in Housing Associations, Local Authorities and Arm’s Length Management Organisations, Councillors, Housing Association and ALMO Board Members, Housing Accountants and Tenant Representatives.

The webinar will start at 2pm and last for between 1½ and 2 hours.

After the webinar attendees will be provided with a copy of the presentation used and a briefing paper.

Price £40 plus value added tax, total £48.

For more information on how our webinars work please click HERE

To make a booking please click here:

Flats in Edmonton owned by Enfield Council. All rents will be reduced apart from where tenants are considered to be on high incomes where they will be increased.

Information Note:

This webinar has now been held. If you would like to enquire when an update will be held, please contact Adrian Waite at or 017683-51498.

Further information about Social Rents

For further information about our seminar 'All You Want to Know about Local Authority Housing Finance' please click HERE

For further information about in-house training in local authority housing finance, please click HERE

For further information about in-house training in housing association finance, please click HERE

For further information about our publication 'Right to Buy Extension, Sale of High Value Council Homes and Rent Reform' please click HERE

For further information about management consulting advice and assistance, please click HERE

To view and download copies of the 'AWICS Housing News' please click HERE

To view and download briefing papers on local authority housing finance, please click HERE

To view and download briefing papers on housing association finance, please click HERE

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