
Value for Money and Performance Management - Briefing Paper

Newcastle-upon-Tyne Civic Centre

Value for money and efficiency are often used interchangeably but they are not the same. Indeed efficiency is not simply value for money it is but one element of it.

If Value for Money is to be embedded across an organisation it is important that this is reflected in its performance management. For example organisations should seek to ensure that service reviews are focussed on the high cost services, the ones that lose money and those that matter to citizens, residents and tenants.

The localist agenda in England encourages a ‘sector-led’ approach to collecting performance information is voluntary and appears to be partial. This approach provides an opportunity to escape the top-down target-driven compliance-based system and provides an opportunity to review performance management, measurement and systems to focus on achieving strategic objectives and outcomes.

This briefing paper looks at value for money and performance management in all parts of the United Kingdom and includes sections on: Value for Money; Embedding Value for Money; Value for Money and the Customer; Linking Value for Money Strategy and Operational Activity; Performance Management, Devolution leads to different approaches; Performance Management Theory; System Design; Data Collection and Use; Comparing Performance; Benchmarking; Management Information in Local Government; and Balanced Scorecards.

Your copy can be freely downloaded from HERE


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