
The Conflict Management and Resolution


In today’s highly demanding working environment, where claim culture is just one symptom of pressure, we find that customers, suppliers and colleagues are all becoming increasingly agitated. A skill that we all increasingly need is the ability to Manage Conflict.

The first step is to recognise the signs- nip potential conflicts in the bud to increase our team’s efficiency, save time and costs. In short, create a happier and more productive working environment.

We also need to be able to retrieve incidents where conflict has become more serious with the ability to handle difficult people and situations quickly and effectively.


This course will include coverage on:

  • Conflict Identification
  • Conflict Resolution Objectives
  • Stress Management
  • Assertivness
  • Personality Types
  • Pre-Emption
  • Time Management


Delegates will be able to identify and handle difficult situations quickly and how they can effectivly deal with them.

Who Should Attend

People who have to deal with employees and customers will benefit from this course.

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