
Training Course on the Essentials of Customer Care


You know how you feel when you receive poor service. You probably decide to complain to a higher authority – but more likely you tell everyone and go elsewhere whenever possible. We all recognise that service standards have declined. And yet good customer care best practice costs no more - consequently the impact on time saved (and hence margins) together with the working environment has a tremendously positive effect.


This course will include coverage on:

  • The benefits and potential return on customer care best practice
  • Developing a Customer Charter for your department
  • Achieving a total customer / client focus, and a continuous improvement culture
  • Building relationships and lasting ‘partnerships’
  • What are our objectives and our customers?
  • Measurement and performance indicators
  • Turning complaints systems into opportunities
  • Customer Care skills, and handling difficult situations
  • Being assertive with empathy
  • Be different, be better


Delegates will have a greater understanding of how they can handle the needs of customers to ensure they have a positive experiance when communicating with your staff.

Who Should Attend

Those who have to directly deal with customers in any way to ensure customers experiances with your company are positive.

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