
Raising the Borrowing Cap: Opportunities for Local Authorities


We are holding seminars on ‘Raising the Borrowing Cap: Opportunities for Local Authorities’ in April 2019.

There is general agreement that England is facing a ‘housing crisis’ and that a lack of social and affordable housing is a significant part of this. There is therefore an appetite in many local authorities to build new council homes as part of their response to the crisis.

This seminar looks in depth at the opportunities that have been created for local authorities by the government’s decision to raise the housing revenue account borrowing cap. These include opportunities to improve existing stock and construct or acquire new stock.

If you want to take full advantage of the opportunities created by the lifting of the borrowing cap, this is the seminar for you!

The seminar will address the following questions:
  • What is the context in which local authorities operate? What are the implications of raising the borrowing cap? How does the Prudential Borrowing system work?
  • How can new council housing be financed? How can improvements and major repairs to existing stock be financed?
  • The costs and benefits of a new build scheme. How to appraise a new build project?
  • How does building in the housing revenue account compare with other options? What opportunities may exist in the future?

Who should attend?

All those in local authorities in England that are using or considering using prudential borrowing to fund either improvements to existing stock or building or acquiring new stock following the raising of the borrowing cap; including Managers in Local Authorities and Arm’s Length Management Organisations, Elected Members, ALMO Board Members, Housing Accountants and Tenant Representatives. The session will assume a basic knowledge of local authority housing finance but will not assume that delegates are experts.

The session is accompanied by a very useful book entitled: “Raising the Borrowing Cap: Opportunities for Local Authorities”

The cost of this seminar in London is £260 plus VAT making a total of £312. However, there is a £20 discount for people who book a month or more in advance making the cost £240 plus VAT making a total of £288.

The cost of this seminar in Leeds is £210 plus VAT making a total of £252. However, there is a £20 discount for people who book a month or more in advance making the cost £190 plus VAT making a total of £228.

Venues and Dates:

  • North: Novotel Hotel, Leeds – Tuesday 2nd April 2019
  • London: Novotel Hotel, Waterloo – Tuesday 9th April 2019

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