
Previous Webinars

The Planning White Paper and its implications for Affordable Housing (September 2020)

There is one webinar in this category:

  • The Planning White Paper and its implications for Affordable Housing

For further information or to make a booking, please click here.


Scottish Housing Association Finance

This webinar provides an introduction and overview of the finances of housing associations in Scotland. It looks at income, expenditure, cash-flow, balance sheets, development, capital and other factors that influence Scottish housing association finance.

Date: 2.00pm on Thursday 13th October 2016. Price: £40 plus VAT. Total £48.

For more information or to make a booking please click HERE

Welsh Housing Association Finance

This webinar provides an introduction and overview of the finances of housing associations in Wales. It looks at income, expenditure, cash-flow, balance sheets, development, capital and other factors that influence Welsh housing association finance.

Date: 2.00pm on Tuesday 18th October 2016. Price: £40 plus VAT. Total £48.

For more information or to make a booking please click HERE

Local Authority New Build: The Financial Implications

This webinar considers the financial implications for local authorities of building new council homes.

Date: 2.00pm on Thursday 3rd November 2016. Price: £40 plus VAT. Total £48.

For more information or to make a booking please click HERE

Welsh Local Authority Housing Finance

This webinar is a useful introduction and overview of the finance of local authority housing services in Wales. It considers income and expenditure, rent and service charges, self-financing, capital programmes, the impact of government policy and much more.

Date: 2pm on Thursday 10th November 2016. Price: £40 plus VAT. Total £48.

For more information or to make a booking please click HERE

Social Rent Reforms including 'Pay to Stay'

This webinar considers the United Kingdom government's policy of obliging housing associations and local authorities to reduce social and affordable rents by 1% a year over the next four years; and to oblige local authorities to charge near-market rents to tenants with high incomes with housing associations also having the option to do so.

Date: 2pm on Monday 14th November 2016 Price: £40 plus VAT. Total £48.

For more information or to make a booking please click HERE

Right to Buy for Housing Association tenants

This webinar considers the United Kingdom government's proposal to extend the 'right to buy' to housing association tenants in England.

Date: 2pm on Wednesday 23rd November 2016. Price: £40 plus VAT. Total £48.

For more information or to make a booking please click HERE

Service Charges in Social Housing

This webinar provides an introduction and overview of service charges for leaseholders and tenants in local authorities and housing associations including how to calculate them and their eligibility for benefits.

Date: 2pm on Thursday 8th December 2016 Price: £40 plus VAT. Total £48.

For more information or to make a booking please click HERE

Management Accounting: An Introduction

This webinar provides an introduction to Management Accounting. It is suitable for students of accountancy or non-financial managers. It considers management information, budgets and budgetary control, costing and decision making.

Date: 2pm on Thursday 15th December 2016. Price: £40 plus VAT. Total £48.

For more information or to make a booking please click HERE

Sale of High Value Council Homes

This webinar considers the United Kingdom government's proposal to oblige local authorities to sell high value council homes to fund the extension of the 'right to buy' to housing association tenants.

Date: 2pm on Monday 9th January 2017. Price: £40 plus VAT. Total £48.

For more information or to make a booking please click HERE

Business Planning in the Housing Revenue Account

This webinar considers how to produce a high quality, fit for purpose housing revenue account business plan. It covers developing the strategy and 'crunching the numbers' in the context of recent changes in government policy.

Date: 2pm on Tuesday 17th January 2017. Price: £40 plus VAT. Total £48.

For more information or to make a booking please click HERE

Scottish Local Authority Housing Finance

This webinar is an introduction and overview of the finances of Scottish local authority housing. It considers income and expenditure, rent and service charges, capital programmes, the impact of government policy and much more.

Date: 2pm on Wednesday 25th January 2017. Price: £40 plus VAT. Total £48.

For more information or to make a booking please click HERE

Introduction to the Housing Revenue Account

This webinar provides a comprehensive introduction and overview of the housing revenue account in English local authorities.

Date: 2pm on Wednesday 1st February 2017. Price: £40 plus VAT. Total £48.

For more information or to make a booking please click HERE

Welfare Reform

This webinar considers the United Kingdom government's Welfare Reform programme and its implications for housing and local government in England, Scotland and Wales.

Date: Thursday 9th February 2017. Sessions at 11.00am, 2.00pm and 6.30pm. Price: £40 plus VAT. Total £48.

For more information or to make a booking please click HERE

Other Webinars

  • Introduction to Housing Association Finance - 20th October 2016
  • Developments in Housing Association Finance - 27th October 2016
  • Local Authority Finance - 30th November 2016


AWICS offers Webinars on a broad range of subjects relevant to public services, local government, housing and finance.

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