
National Housing Federation Conferences on Service Charges

The National Housing Federation held a conference on Service Charges in Manchester on 2nd & 3rd December 2013 which I attended as a speaker. My two sessions were entitled:

  • Ensuring Excellent Customer Service
  • The Supported Housing World

The conference was also held in London in September at which I spoke on:

  • How to calculate and apportion service charges effectively

Copies of my presentations can be downloaded by clicking on the titles (below):

I prepared a briefing paper on Supported Housing and Universal Credit to accompany my presentation that can be downloaded by clicking HERE

Other speakers at the conference addressed the following subjects:

  • Can you future proof your systems to deal with Universal Credit and benefit changes?
  • Standards in service charge recoupment and issues resolution
  • How to undertake effective consultation before major works - processes for section twenty
  • Managing Mixed Blocks - Leasehold and rented challenges
  • Case study on de-pooling service charges for tenants - challenges and successes

A copy of my notes on these presentations can be downloaded from HERE

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