
Public Services News Archive

This is a complete archive of all of AWICS Public Service Newsletters we have published.

October 2012

This month’s edition features articles on:

  • Local Government Resource Review
  • Local Government Finance Bill
  • Local Services Support Grant
  • The Regulation of Oligopoly in the European Union
  • The Importance of the Creation of the World Trade Organisation
  • Brand Protection – UK Intellectual Property Law

April 2012

This month’s edition features articles on:

  • Budget 2012 – Implications for Local Government and Housing
  • European Citizenship
  • Judicial Reviews of Adult Social Care
  • Upper Norwood Joint Library
  • How comfortably are you sitting?
  • Open Public Services
  • Draft National Planning Policy Framework
  • AWICS representations to Eden DC
  • Local Authority Finance Seminar

March 2010

This month’s edition features articles on:

  • Revenue Support Grant Settlement 2010/11
  • Redcar & Cleveland Council invites residents to spend £120million
  • The Local Democcracy, Economic Development and Construction Bill
  • Educational Transformation in Redcar & Cleveland
  • Concern over Scottish Public Sector Finances
  • The Institute of Public Sector Management
  • Upcoming Regional Seminars
  • Other Services

January 2010

This month’s edition features articles on:

  • Queens Speech
  • Training and Development - Part of an Effective Business Plan
  • Local Authority Capital Finance
  • AWICS Regional Seminars 2010
  • Other Services

September 2009

This month’s edition features articles on:

  • The CIPFA Manifesto – ‘Better Ideas, Better Public Services’
  • Scottish Labour Party considers reintroducing domestic rates
  • The Government Response to the Taylor Review of Rural Economy and Affordable Housing
  • Free School Meals Trialled
  • Upcoming Regional Seminars
  • Other Services

August 2009

This month’s edition features articles on:

  • AWICS Publishes Annual Report for 2008/09
  • Learning and Skills Council – Enhancement Fund
  • Heart of Eden Community Plan, Murton Parish Survey
  • Rise of the Ethical Dentist
  • Upcoming Regional Seminars
  • Other Services

June / July 2009

This month’s edition features articles on:

  • Budget Report 2009
  • National Council of Institute of Public Sector Management Meets at Penrith Rural Foyer
  • Adrian Waite secures 30% of votes in election to CIPFA National Council
  • The Government’s household projections and their application
  • Northwest Housing Forum
  • Comparison of Social Housing Systems
  • Healey announces radical dismantling of council housing finance
  • Upcoming Regional Seminars
  • Other Services from AWICS

May 2009

This month’s edition features articles on:

  • Rural Evidence and Policy – Northwest Priorities
  • European Social Fund (ESF)
  • Extra Investement in Scottish Council Housing
  • Conservative Party announces Housing Policy
  • Associate Opportunities
  • Regional Seminars
  • Other Services from AWICS

April 2009

This month’s edition features articles on:

  • Working Together - Public Services On Your Side
  • Public Sector Net Cash Requirement and Investment in Housing
  • Local Authority Housing Finance in Scotland
  • More Freedom to Increase Council House Building
  • Adrian Waite joins Board of Impact Housing Association
  • Other Services from AWICS

March 2009

This month’s edition features articles on:

  • Government Revises Guideline Rents
  • Scottish Housing Regulator issues report on Dundee City Council
  • The Future of Supporting People
  • Integration of a Web-based Performance Management Framework
  • AWICS Publish new In-House Courses Booklet
  • Other Services from AWICS

February 2009

This month’s edition features articles on:

  • Local Demoracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2008
  • Public Services and the Recession
  • Small Housing Association Development Stalled?
  • Homes and Communities Agency - Launched
  • Local Government Finance Settlement 2009-10
  • New Look for AWICS Website
  • AWICS signs Skills Pledge
  • Upcoming Regional Seminars & Other Services from AWICS

December 2008

This month’s edition features articles on:

  • AWICS Annual Report for 2007/08 issued
  • Institute of Public Sector Management to Promote Joined up Government and Good Practice with
  • Adrian Waite as President
  • Implications of the Queen’s Speech for Public Services
  • Welsh Local Government
  • Regional Spatial Strategy – The North West Plan
  • Housing Subsidy Determinations 2009/10 and 2010/11
  • Information Technology in the Public Sector

October 2008

This month’s edition features articles on:

  • Budgets and Financial Management are like fresh air, exercise and a healthy diet
  • Is Regionalisation of Council Housing an Option?
  • Scottish Housing Regulator appoints Adrian Waite as an Associate Inspector
  • Welsh Housing Associations build Homes and Communities
  • Welsh Local Government gains additional funding
  • Campaign to Protect Rural England appoints Adrian Waite as an Expert Advisor
  • Institute of Public Sector Management negotiates a good deal on Training
  • Independent Tenants’ Advisors should be Accountants say CIPFA
  • European Parliament and Homelessness

June 2008

This month’s edition features articles on:

  • Adrian Waite joins government review of Housing Revenue Account
  • Integration of a Web-based Performance Management Framework
  • Babergh District Council disposes of old Council Houses
  • Homes and Communities Agency
  • Housing Association Grant in Scotland
  • AWICS Value for Money Strategy
  • What do People say about our Courses
  • Services offered by ‘AWICS’

April 2008

This month’s edition features articles on:

  • Housing Association Finance
  • Government to Review Housing Revenue Account System
  • Achieving Efficiencies and Value for Money in theory and in Copeland
  • Scottish Local Authority Housing Finance
  • National Awards for Local Government 2008: Congratulations to Fenland and Warrington
  • IPSM Negotiates Discounts for its Members
  • Services offered by ‘AWICS’

Febuary 2008

This month’s edition features articles on:

  • Housing Revenue Account Subsidy Determination for England 2008/09
  • One Wales
  • Value for Money and Procurement
  • National Affordable Housing Programme
  • Local Government Finance Settlement 2008/09
  • A Model for Project Management in Small Voluntary Organisations
  • Services offered by ‘AWICS’

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