
Briefing Paper - Local Government Income and Revenues

When local government income is considered attention tends to focus on the Council Tax and the declining Revenue Support Grant. However, councils also receive considerable income from business rates and various sales, fees and charges. The current government is making significant reductions in Revenue Support Grant and has obliged local authorities to reduce Council tax in real terms for all but the poorest in society. This is obliging local authorities to reduce expenditure and to take a more commercial approach to income generation.

The purpose of this briefing paper is to provide a summary and overview of the income and revenues that are currently received by local authorities in England. It includes sections on:

  • Council Tax
  • Council Tax Freeze Grants
  • Council Tax 2014
  • Council Tax Support
  • Council Tax Review
  • Business Rates
  • Localisation of Business Rates
  • Formula Grant
  • Sales, Fees & Charges

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