
Introduction to Risk Management


We are holding a webinar entitled 'Introduction to Risk Management in Housing and Local Government’ on 11th November 2021.

The webinar will last about an hour and costs £30 plus value added tax (a total of £36).

Coronavirus has raised the profile of Risk Management. But Risk Management was already gaining a higher profile in local government and housing because of austerity, self-financed housing revenue accounts, ‘Brexit’ and the Regulator of Social Housing’s new regulatory standards.

Local authorities are guided by the HM Treasury 'Orange Book' and 'Risk Management in Government' advice from the Cabinet Office. However, many struggle to implement a risk management process that includes a review of the inherent risks that threaten achievement of corporate objectives and therefore they can lack a transparent risk mitigation framework at both a strategic but particularly operational level.

In its guide to housing self-financing the Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy identified the main risk factors that local authorities and arms’ length management organisations should consider now that self-financed housing revenue accounts have exposed local authorities to greater risks.

The Regulator of Social Housing’s regulatory code is strongly focused on risk. This is based on risk being an integral part of the business of housing associations. Housing association risks are becoming more complex as they diversify. Risks need to be assessed in terms of the possible effects on the wider organisation – an approach that is often called ‘scenario planning’, ‘what-ifs’, ‘stress testing’ or ‘multivariate analysis’.

Risk Management is equally important in England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland where there are similar approaches.

In this context there is a need for a greater understanding of the issues involved in implementing risk management among councillors, board members and officers responsible for all aspects of risk management. Those who attend will gain an understanding of the concept of Risk Management in Local Government and Housing and how to implement Risk Management in practice including how to apply the principles of risk management in a Local Government or Housing context.

Flooding is an example of a risk that is becoming more likely

The webinar will address these questions:

  • What are the Legislative and Regulatory responsibilities?
  • How can risks be identified?
  • How can the likelihood and severity of risk be assessed?
  • How can risks be reduced and mitigated?
  • What are the main risks faced in local authorities and housing associations?
  • How should Risk Management be implemented at the strategic and operational levels?

All those with an interest in Risk Management should attend including Board members in Housing Associations and Arms’ Length Management Organisations; elected Members in local authorities; Housing managers, Finance managers and auditors. The webinar is relevant to people in all parts of the United Kingdom and, indeed, around the world.

The presenter will be Adrian Waite, a former Finance Director at a local authority and Chair of a Housing Association, who is well known for his ability to explain complex strategic and financial matters clearly.To view his biography, please click here.

It is possible to ask questions during and after the webinar. The webinar is also accompanied by a very useful briefing paper that will be provided to participants alongside a copy of the presentation used. A recording of the webinar is available after it is completed. Participants will also be provided with Continuing Professional Development (CPD) certificates.

To make a booking, please click on of the following link:


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