
Introduction to Housing Association Finance in Scotland


We are holding webinars entitled 'Introduction to Housing Association Finance in Scotland’ during May and June 2021. These webinars give an introduction and overview of this important subject and are fully up to date with all developments.

There are three webinars:

  • Introduction to Housing Association Finance in Scotland (revenue) - 18th August 2021 at 2pm
  • Introduction to Housing Association Finance in Scotland (capital) - 25th August 2021 at 2pm
  • Introduction to Housing Association Finance in Scotland (technical issues) - 2nd September 2021 at 2pm

Each webinar will last about an hour and costs £30 plus value added tax (a total of £36).

These webinars are comprehensive and are designed for people who are not experts in housing assocation finance in Scotland, but who need to understand the basics and achieve an overview of what is going on. They are suitable for board members, housing managers, tenant representatives, finance staff who have limited experience of housing association finance and others who realise that an understanding of housing finance can place them at an advantage!

  • Introduction to Housing Association Finance in Scotland (revenue) refers to: Trends in Scottish Housing Association Finance; Statements of Comprehensive Income (formerly known as Income & Expenditure Accounts); FRS102 and Component Accounting; Cash Flow; Rent policies, plans, trends & affordability; Bad Debts & Arrears; Service Charges; Management & Maintenance costs; Remuneration & Pensions; Major Repairs; Capital Financing costs; Supporting People; Housing Benefit & Universal Credit; United Kingdom Government’s Welfare ‘Reforms’; Devolution of welfare to Scotland.
  • Introduction to Housing Association Finance in Scotland (capital) refers to: Statements of Financial Position (formerly known as Balance Sheets); Capital Programmes; Scottish Housing Quality Standard; Development & New Build; Asset sales; the end of ‘Right to Buy’; Affordable Housing Supply Programme; Housing Infrastructure Fund; Rural and Islands Housing Fund; Building Scotland Fund; National Housing Trust; Innovative financing models; Private Loans including availability and conditions; Gearing; Treasury Management; Borrowing Strategies; Regeneration; Stock Transfer.
  • Introduction to Housing Association Finance in Scotland (technical issues) refers to: The Political, Economic, Social & Technological Context; Financial Structures & Governance; Housing (Scotland) Act 2014; Housing Beyond 2021; Role & expectations of the Scottish Government & Scottish Housing Regulator; the Economic Impact of Social Housing and links with health; Business & Financial Planning; Mergers; Value for Money; Performance Management; Risk Management, Sensitivity Analysis and Stress Testing; Asset Management; Performance Management; Roles of Board Members.

All the webinars are fully up to date.

The presenter will be Adrian Waite, who is well known for his ability to explain complex financial matters clearly. To view his biography, please click here.

It is possible to ask questions during and after the webinar. Attendees will be provided with a useful briefing paper, a copy of the presentation used and a continuing professional development (CPD) certificate. A recording of the webinar is also available after it is completed.

To make a booking, please click on one of the following links:


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