
Risk Management


This course provides a fully updated introduction and overview of Risk Management in Social Housing.


  • Definition of Risk Management: Risk in a Self-Financed Housing Revenue Account; Risk in an Arms’ Length Management Organisation; Risk in a Housing Association
  • The new requirements of the Homes & Communities Agency for Risk Management in Housing Associations.
  • Scenario planning, ‘what-ifs’, stress testing and multivariate analysis
  • Risk Assessment Mitigation and Testing.
  • Risk Factors; Managing the Risks; Monitoring and Reporting; Opportunities.
  • How risk management is essential to ensure the survival of the business.
  • Consequences of poor risk management including financial and reputational.
  • Links in practice between the risk management strategy, business plan, senior management team and Board.
  • Components of risk management: Assurance map / plan, risk assessments, risk map / register and audit / scrutiny arrangements.
  • Risk Strategy: What risks are there? Are they likely? Will they be serious if they happen? What can we do to reduce them? How do we manage the risk that is left? How do we ensure that we are constantly on guard?
  • Hierarchy of Risks: Strategic (organisational), Functional (strategic management level), Operational (middle management level) and working risk assessments (for example for premises, fire and activities).
  • Key Risks: For example, increased tenant poverty, increased arrears, under-occupation penalty, reductions in local authority budgets, supporting people contracts, climate change, partners, staff and reputation.
  • Examples of complex scenarios (‘perfect storms’).
  • Risk Management and Financial Planning. How to identify what drives costs and incomes. How to integrate risk management into the financial plan and budget including using sensitivity analysis.
  • How do we maintain it and when should we change it? How do we learn from it?
  • Case Studies including Impact Housing Association


Those who attend with gain an awareness of Risk Management in Social Housing including how to apply the principles of risk management in a social housing context.

Who Should Attend

All those with an interest in Risk Management including Board members in Housing Associations and Arms’ Length Management Organisations; elected Members in local authorities; Housing managers, Finance managers and tenant representatives.

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