
Eden District Council Budget Consultation 2015

AWICS is based in Appleby-in-Westmorland that is part of the Eden District Council area.

Eden District Council launched its consultation on its 2015/16 budget on 17th Deecmber 2014. The closing date for responses is 17th January 2015.

The consultation information that they have posted on their website can be found at:

A copy of their draft budget proposals can be downloaded from HERE

Adrian Waite has responded to the consultation in his capacity as a resident of the district and the Managing Director of AWICS. His response covers:

  • Revenue Reserves
  • Council Tax
  • 'Over Budgeting'
  • Value for Money and Staffing Costs
  • Central Services
  • Penrith Town Council
  • Appleby Fair
  • Capital Programme and Prudential Borrowing
  • Economic Development
  • Housing Risk Management

A copy of Adrian's response can be freely downloaded from HERE

All consultation responses will be considered by the Council's Executive, on 27th January 2015. The revenue and capital budget reports will set out the proposed budgets and included consultation responses, be they from the public, community groups, scrutiny, and so on.

The agreed budget will then be considered by all councillors at the Council meeting on 19th February 2015.

Councillor Gordon Nicolson OBE, Leader of the Council has replied to say:

"Thank you for your detailed and constructive comments on the Council's budget consultation. Your comments will be discussed as part of the process to finalise the budget for presentation to the Executive on 27 January and to Council on 19 February."


AWICS is a Management Consultancy and Training Business that specialises in providing support to those who provide public services.

Our mission statement is: 'Independence, Integrity, Value...'

We have been adding value to clients' businesses and services since 1998.

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