
Developments in Social Housing Finance in Scotland: The Implications of the Green Paper - Publication

"Developments in Social Housing Finance in Scotland – The Implications of the Green Paper" published in 2008, examines the implications of the Scottish Housing Green Paper and other proposals for Scottish Local Authorities and Scottish Housing Associations. It includes reference to the reform of Housing Association Grant and the introduction of Arms Length Management Organisations.

The guide will build on your knowledge of the subject by examining key areas of the subject.

What the Book covers:

  • Introduction
  • Local Authorities
  • Housing Associations
  • Affordable, Social Renting and Homelessness
  • Scotland’s Budgets and the Efficiency Agenda
  • Housing Supply
  • Social Housing
  • New Supply of Social Housing
  • Housing Association Grant
  • Arms Length Management
  • Stock Transfer
  • Glossary of Terms

This book is excellent value at £30 plus £3.25 postage and packing. It was published in 2007. To order a copy please click the 'add to basket' button below.

(Please note that you can pay by debit or credit card. To do so, please select 'paypal' from the payment options).

Price: £30.00

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