
Cumbria County Council Budget Consultation 2015

AWICS is based in Appleby-in-Westmorland that is part of the Cumbria County Council area.

Cunbria County Council launched its consultation on its 2015/16 budget on 23rd October 2014. The closing date for responses was 20th January 2015.

The County Council describes the context in which it is setting this budget as follows:

  • Between 2011 and 2014 they have had to identify savings of £130million
  • By 2018 they will need to make a further £83million of savings
  • By 2018 their overall spend will have been cut by £213million or roughly a quarter
  • At one point the council employed over 10,000 people (excluding schools)
  • Today they employ 7,000 people and by 2018 this will drop to 5,200
  • That means that in three years, 1,800 people who are employed with them today will have left the council
  • By 2018, they will have virtually halved the size of the County Council

The consultation information that they have posted on their website can be found at:

Adrian Waite has responded to the consultation in his capacity as a resident of the county and the Managing Director of AWICS. His response covers:

  • Council Tax Proposals for Savings
  • Finding new ways of working
  • Local Government structure Financial strategy

A copy of Adrian's response can be freely downloaded from HERE

The budget will go before councillors at Cabinet on the 5 February, 2015 and then before Full Council on 19 February, 2015 for approval.

Cumbria County Council sites:

The Courts at Carlisle where Cumbria County Council is based

Flusco Recycling Centre near Penrith

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