
Local Government Budget Issues - Briefing Paper

Local Government provides a wide range of services with Education, Adult Social Care and Highways & Transport being the largest budgets. The present government has moved away from providing local authorities with specific grants in favour of general grants that leave local authorities with choices regarding the allocation of their resources. At the same time they have made significant reductions in total funding forcing local authorities to decide where specific savings have to be made. An exception is Education that continues to be funded by specific grants that have been protected in real terms. At the same time local authorities face increasing demands, needs and costs – especially in Adult Social Care and Waste Management.

The purpose of this briefing paper is to consider issues with specific local government budgets. It includes sections on:

  • Education and Children’s Services
  • Adult Social Care
  • Public Health
  • Supporting People
  • Highways and Transport
  • Housing General Fund
  • Central Services
  • New Homes Bonus
  • External Trading Services
  • Police
  • Waste Management

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