
Brexit: The Implications for Housing - Briefing paper

On 23rd June 2016, a referendum was held in the United Kingdom concerning the country’s future membership of the European Union. The result was a decision to leave. The purpose of this briefing paper is to consider the implications of this for housing services.

The full implications of the vote for Britain to leave the European Union will not be known until after the negotiations between Britain and the European Union are completed (if then) but some implications are already apparent.

This briefing papers looks at the implications of Brexit for housing. It includes sections on:

  • Macro-Economic Implications
  • United Kingdom Government abandons Budget Surplus Target
  • Impact on the Housing Market
  • Impact on Housing Associations
  • Housing Association Credit Ratings
  • Housing Association Borrowing
  • London Housing
  • Housing Associations and Development
  • Local Authority Development
  • Building and Development Costs
  • Housing Associations and Pensions
  • Free Movement of Labour
  • Migration and Housing Need
YOUR copy can be freely downloaded from HERE


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