
Brand Protection: How Can Intellectual Property Law Protect Brands In

June 2012

In the commercial world today, thebrands a company uses are generally recognised as one of the components increating the value of that business. The potential commercial value of a brandtherefore cannot be underestimated.

This paper evaluates the way in whichintellectual property law in the UK is able to protect the brands of any givencompany. In this we examine the use of trade marks (and the phenomenon ofgoodwill), passing off, copyright and patents with regards to brands. Weexamine how these areas of intellectual property law can be used to protect thebrands created within a business.

Lom comments that; ‘Brands todayare generally recognised as a key asset for creating value for a business’ and because of this intellectualproperty in the UK has developed to protect brands and their products which arediscussed in the course of this paper.

For full briefing paper please click here.

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