
Autumn Statement 2014 - Implications for Housing and Local Government

This briefing paper summarises the autumn statement 2014 and its implications for housing and local government and includes reactions from the sector.

It contains sections on:

  • Economic Position
  • Summary of Housing and Welfare Measures
  • Summary of Local Government Measures
  • Summary of Other Measures
  • Business Rates Stamp Duty
  • National Infrastructure Plan
  • Large Scale Voluntary Transfer Valuations
  • Affordable Housing Programme
  • Government commissioning of new housing
  • Regeneration funding
  • Implications for Public Expenditure
  • Reaction of the Local Government Association
  • Reaction of the National Housing Federation Reaction of the Chartered Institute of Housing
  • Reaction of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy

Your copy can be freely downloaded from HERE

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