
All You Want to Know about Welsh Local Authority Housing Finance


October 2019

Social housing is becoming increasingly important in Wales at a time of rising demand for affordable housing and constrained resources. Local Authorities in Wales are now self-financed, have been freed from the ‘borrowing cap’ and have committed to building new homes. Many are using prudential borrowing to fund new council homes - especially now the borrowing cap has been abolished; while some are still investing to achieve the Welsh Housing Quality Standard. The ‘Abolition of the Right to Buy and Associated Rights (Wales) Act has ended the Right to Buy, Preserved Right to Buy and Right to Acquire in Wales. The Welsh Government has introduced a new rents policy. The United Kingdom government is rolling out Universal Credit and other welfare reforms. The potential impact of ‘Brexit’ on the finances of housing services is unclear. There are significant challenges and opportunities, and many are making innovative use of their housing revenue account and general fund powers and resources.

In this context, do you think that a working knowledge of local authority housing finance in Wales would put you in a position of advantage?

This seminar is designed for people who are not experts in local authority housing finance, but who need to understand the basics and achieve an overview of what is going on. It is fully up to date with all developments. It refers to rents, service charges, development, sources of capital funding including grants and borrowing, housing benefit, welfare reform, business planning and much more. Many people have already benefitted from this seminar. Whether you are a Housing Manager, Tenant Representative, Elected Member or even a member of the Housing Finance Team, you could benefit from attending our seminar.

The Session answers the following questions:

  • How does the Housing Revenue Account work?
  • How does the Housing General Fund work?
  • How does the Housing Capital Programme work?
  • What is going on in the world of local authority housing finance?
  • What are the Financial Opportunities and Threats for Local Authority Housing?

The session is accompanied by a very useful 100-page book that is designed for reference after the session entitled: ‘All You Want to know about Welsh Local Authority Housing Finance 2019’. Delegates will gain an overview of Welsh Local Authority Housing Finance and will keep up to date with developments.

The cost of this seminar is £210 plus VAT making a total of £252. However, there is a £20 discount for people who book a month or more in advance making the cost £190 plus VAT making a total of £228.The fee includes lunch* and book – ‘All you Want to Know about Welsh Housing Association Finance 2019’

Venue and Date - Wales: Novotel Cardiff Central Hotel – 22nd October 2019

To view or download a copy of our brochure, please click here.

To make a booking, please click here.

Denbighshire County Council Offices in Denbigh. Denbighshire Council has retained its housing stock.

To view or download a copy of our brochure, please click here.


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