
All You Want to Know about Housing Association Finance 2016 - Publication

This book is intended for those who know little about the finance of Housing Associations but who want to gain an overview of the subject.

It is often important that people understand financial issues. How can a housing manager working in a Housing Association or a Board member carry out their responsibilities effectively if they do not have at least a basic knowledge of how the finances work? Understanding where an organisation gets its income from, what it spends its money on, what assets it owns, what it owes and the constraints within which it operates is important in understanding every aspect of the organisation.

This guide is designed for people who are not experts in Housing Association finance, but who want to understand the basics and achieve an overview of what is going on. It is suitable for housing managers, tenant representatives, board members and finance staff who have limited experience of the Housing Association finance and others who realise that an understanding of Housing Association finance can place them at an advantage!

This guide covers:

  • The financial environment in which housing associations work
  • Regulatory requirements including Viability and Value for Money
  • Income & Expenditure Accounts, Balance Sheets and Cash Flows
  • How Development and other Capital Expenditure is financed
  • Budgeting, Budgetary Control and Risk Management
  • Asset Management and Treasury Management
  • Developments in government policy including ‘right to buy’, rent reductions, pay to stay and welfare reform
  • The implications of the Housing & Planning Bill – including low cost home-ownership
  • The future funding of sheltered housing and community investment
This book is excellent value at £30 plus £3.25 postage and packing. It includes 100 pages and was published in 2016. To order a copy please click the 'order now' button below.

(Please note that you can pay by debit or credit card. To do so, please select 'paypal' from the payment options).

Price: £30.00

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