
The Social Housing Regulator: A New Regulatory Framework for 2012

June 2012

The new regulatory framework forsocial housing in England came into effect on 1st April 2012. The frameworkimplements the requirements of the Localism Act and the Government’s directionsto the regulator.

This paper summarises the newregulatory framework.

The new framework includes thestandards that providers are expected to meet. On 1st April regulation will bedelivered by the Regulation Committee of the Homes & Communities Agency. Inrespect of economic regulation the regulator will have a proactive role. Thisincludes the introduction of a new Value for Money standard. The main changesare in respect of consumer regulation. The regulator will only intervene in aservice delivery matter if there is evidence of actual or potential seriousdetriment to tenants. The regulator will, however, expect the consumerstandards to be met. Boards will be responsible for ensuring standards are metand the new tenant panels will have a key role to play in holding them toaccount.

The new framework retains at its corethe principle of co-regulation. Boards are responsible for the effectiveperformance of their organisations, compliance with the standards and beingtransparent and accountable to stakeholders.

The new framework implements theamendments to the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 introduced by the LocalismAct 2011 and the Secretary of State’s directions on specific standards. Underthis framework the regulator has distinct roles in relation to economicregulation and consumer regulation. Economic regulation applies to registeredproviders excluding local authorities only and is a proactive form ofregulation.

Consumer regulation isa more reactive, and is a ‘backstop’ form of regulation and is applicable toall registered providers including local authorities.

For full briefing paper please click here.

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